重點句型是:Can you…? Yes, I can/No,I can’t.
相關語句有:What club do you want to join? I want to join the music club.
本課的熱身運動我采用唱歌形式來體現(xiàn),師生共同拍手齊唱英文歌曲“Good morning to you”。這首熟悉簡短的歌曲學生人人都會,個個能唱,迅速拉近了師生間的距離,有效地消除了學生對新學內容所產生的焦慮感和緊張感,而且也激發(fā)出學生的`學習興趣,使他們能很快地進入學習狀態(tài),同時也自然引出本課的生詞sing及句型Can you…? Yes ,I can../No,I can’t.緊接著我用夸張的動作表演和親切易懂的對話引出了生詞dance、guitar、join和短語music club、swimming club、art club、chess club、English club.在認識俱樂部的意義和功能時,我又把握時機做出形象的動作并結合實物引出單詞:swim、paint、chess和speak。生詞和句型出現(xiàn)之后,我趁著學生的新鮮感,通過問句“What club do you want to join?”展開與學生開放式的溝通與交流,我滿懷真誠地走近學生,認真地傾聽學生,耐心地等待學生,盡量地使學生能充分發(fā)揮想象力,能真實全面的表述自己的思想,抒發(fā)他們的情感。從老師坦誠的提問到學生無拘無束的回答,再到老師進一步的引導等無不在增加師生間的親和力,體現(xiàn)著新課程的新理念:師生平等共處,教師是平等中的首席,營造和諧融洽的學習氣氛,搭建“平等的對話,心靈的交流”的舞臺。在這個過程中,學生的情感態(tài)度和價值觀也得到了提升。
初一學生年齡小,注意力集中時間短,所以新的語言呈現(xiàn)之后,一部分學生可能會分散注意力。為了及時調整他們注意力的張馳度,我趁熱打鐵,設計了兩個游戲,第一是師生互動,它包括兩個環(huán)節(jié),先是老師做動作,學生說單詞。然后是老師說單詞,學生做動作。采用這種形式能激發(fā)學生去積極思維并迅速做出反映,具有短時高效的作用。主要目的是,鞏固加深記憶新學單詞。第二個游戲活動是生生互動。我利用少年兒童活潑好動,模仿力強,好奇心強的特點,設計了一個“抽簽做答”活動。此活動需要三個學生參與:讓一個學生上臺隨意抽取一張卡片,根據(jù)卡上的單詞做出相應的動作,其余兩個學生根據(jù)動作用“Can you…? Yes,I can/No,I can’t.”互相問答。此項活動能調動學生的積極性,鍛煉其心理素質,展示其才藝,張揚其個性,也能同時檢測出三個學生的語言掌握情況,在這個過程中老師是學生的合作者、參與者和裁判者。
我們教育的最終目的是讓學生成為社會的有用之才,因此在教學中應努力貼近生活實際,培養(yǎng)其做事能力。第三個任務我設計了一個“記者采訪”活動,要求學生兩人合作,一個學生模擬中央電視臺的記者進行采訪,另一個模擬被采訪者,采訪內容是詢問對方的特長和愛好,加強重點句型“Can you…? Yes ,I can../No,I can’t.”的練習,這樣既鍛煉了他們的應變能力也提高了他們的語言交際能力,是一種學生喜聞樂見的形式。
今天我說課的題目是初中英語第二冊“Unit 6 Holidays”,整個說課我將分四部分進行講述,即教材分析、教法、學法、教學程序。
本單元主要圍繞“談論節(jié)日里所做的事情”這一話題展開教學。這一單元的內容體現(xiàn)了濃郁的東西方文化特點,是一個學生十分感興趣的話題。這里涉及了十個東西方節(jié)日,和三個四會句型及一個三會句型。我根據(jù)學生的實際情況,選取了New Years Day,Spring Festival,May Day,Childrens Day,National Day五個節(jié)日,及三個四會句型和一個三會句型作為第一教時的教學內容。在這些節(jié)日里,只有Spring Festival是學生沒接觸過的,其余四個節(jié)日學生都或多或少接觸過了,因此我將節(jié)日中人們的活動及四個句型作為教學的重點和難點來處理。在句型的操練過程中,讓學生感受東西方文化的特點。
上課伊始,我通過和學生的自由對話引出課題,接著播放了“Happy New Year”這首學生比較熟悉的歌曲來營造一個節(jié)日的情境。讓學生在歌聲及動畫中理解和學會第一個節(jié)日New Years Day。其他節(jié)日我也通過圖片和動畫給學生直觀的印象,在和學生的談論中讓他們理解和掌握單詞的音、形、義。
在句型教學中,我創(chuàng)設了一個和學生聊天的情境,在學生已有的知識背景下和學生就節(jié)日進行聊天,在聊天的過程中引出新句型,這些句型大都是學生已經(jīng)掌握的,在這一課中只是讓學生學會如何正確使用這些句型來進行有關節(jié)日的詢問。在談論New Years Day時由我引出句型。接下來的幾個節(jié)日,我出示圖片,讓學生進行談論。還為學生設計了一個猜節(jié)日的游戲,讓他們在詢問同學和老師的'真實情境中熟練地掌握這些句型。
在句型教學中,我引導學生結合語境,采用推測和詢問等方法進行學習,在New Years Day 的教學中,我通過詢問學生,無形中給學生示范了這一學習的方法,接著讓學生采用這種方法來學習Spring Festival,最后在其余三個節(jié)日的教學中,我為學生設計了探究式學習活動,讓學生通過詢問和思考,學會主動去獲得信息,促進了學生實踐能力和創(chuàng)新思維的發(fā)展。
一堂課板書的內容是突出教學重點,與整堂課中教師的講授、練習等有機結合,相互銜接,教師應該把重點內容板書在黑板上,讓學生一目了然,清晰構建知識要點。 試主要考察應聘者學科知識、教師基本素養(yǎng)、語言表達能力、儀表舉止等,滿分為101分。
4、教學基本功(30分)。 其中語言清晰、準確(10分);教態(tài)自然、大方(10分);展示板書設計(10分)。
我說課的內容是PEP Book 4 Unit 5 B Let’s talk.。主要從教材分析、教學策略、教學程序 、板書設計、教學評價等方面作具體的闡述。
本單元的話題是shopping. 購物與我們的生活息息相關,本課的知識點是大部分學生樂于學習和接受的,相信他們對本課的學習充滿期待。
[認知目標] 能夠聽、說、認讀本課時的主要句型:A pair of …for… What size? How much are they? We’ll take them.
[能力目標] 能夠跟錄音朗讀對話,并能分角色進行表演。能夠較好地完成Group work中的調查表格.
[情感目標] 通過活動、游戲使學生產生學習英語的興趣;讓學生敢于、樂于開口,積極參與交流。并讓學生在學習的過程中,培養(yǎng)他們的`合作意識和競爭意識。
在仔細研究教材和分析學生的心理和生理特點的基礎上,我認為本課重點是掌握有關購物的句型:如How about this pair? Are they nice? How much are they? They are yuan.等價格的復數(shù)表達法。難點是A pair of …for… 中for的含義;What size? size的發(fā)音;We’ll take them. them 的發(fā)音以及理解這句話的含義。
導入設計、新課呈現(xiàn)、鞏固操練、拓展延伸以及課后作業(yè)五個環(huán)節(jié)。教育家托爾斯泰說過:“成功的教學所必須的不是強制,而是激發(fā)學生的興趣,興趣是推動學生學習的強大動力,是學生參與教學活動的基礎,激發(fā)學生的興趣是新課導入的關鍵!薄癢ell begun, half done”良好的開端是成功的一半。
第一環(huán)節(jié) 導入設計分三塊:
①唱一唱本單元的歌曲“The coat in the window”(How much is that coat in the window? )一首優(yōu)美的英文歌,全班同學在教師的帶領下,邊拍手邊唱,營造良好的英語氛圍,使學生能自然地進入到一個良好的學習狀態(tài)中。
、贚et’s do Put on your sneakers. Run in the park. Put on your sandals. Wiggle your toes. 通過TPR活動,讓全班學生能夠做起來,動起來。在復習舊知的基礎上為新課的學習起到一個呈上起下的作用。
、跢ree talking:What’s the weather like today? 聊一聊天氣,為后面創(chuàng)設明天開運動會,John需要一雙新的運動鞋的情境埋下伏筆。同時也營造一種民主、和諧、寬松的英語氛圍,為學生架設一座由中文思維向英文思維過渡的橋梁。
第二環(huán)節(jié) 新課呈現(xiàn)分兩部分:
、 利用課件,出示不同的鞋子,引出shoes shop。操練chant: sneakers , sneakers, a pair of sneakers , a pair of sneakers for my friend.
、 創(chuàng)設媽媽和John去鞋店買鞋的情境,教師扮演assistant,引出句型What size? How about this pair? Are they nice ? Are they all right?等等。
第三環(huán)節(jié) 鞏固操練分五部分:
①玩一玩,魯迅說過:“游戲是兒童的天使!北竟(jié)課我設計“我猜,我猜,我猜猜”的游戲來操練句型 How much are they? They are .
片,在黑板上制作一個簡易的鞋子商店,操練句型Can I help you? How about this pair? We’ll take them等
、勐犚宦,聽課文錄音,完成教師提問A: What size? B: How much are the sneakers? 讓學生帶著問題去聽,養(yǎng)成良好的傾聽習慣。
第五環(huán)節(jié) 課后作業(yè)也是兩部分:
PEP Book 4 Unit 5 How much is it?
B Let’s talk
How about this pair?
Are they nice?
How much are they?
They are yuan.
綜觀整節(jié)課,為了達到新課標所要求的小學英語課程的要求, 我主要通過創(chuàng)設教學情景進行師生互動,充分激發(fā)學生學習英語的興趣,培養(yǎng)英語學習的積極態(tài)度,把情感、態(tài)度與價值觀目標的實現(xiàn)融合在知識與能力、過程與方法目標實現(xiàn)的過程之中,努力為學生進一步學習英語打下堅實基礎。
蘇霍姆林斯基說過:沒有也不可能有抽象的學生。因此,我們要鼓勵孩子們,讓他們知道“English, I can”.
That’s all. Thank you!
本單元圍繞著"最喜歡的科目"這一話題展開,圍繞"what, why, who三個特殊疑問詞"開展了多種形式的教學活動.教材以學生的學習經(jīng)驗和興趣為出發(fā)點,語言素材來源與學生的實際生活,目的是通過這一單元的學習,讓學生學會談論自己喜愛的學科及其他事物并說出理由,學會一周七天的表達法,學會合理安排自己的作息時間.教師在教學過程中可以幫助學生調整偏科的傾向,使學生能全面發(fā)展.Section A 是本單元的第一部分,也是本單元的重點.SectionA的內容計劃兩節(jié)課講完,在這兩節(jié)課里,要求學生能夠學會以下內容:
1, 教學目標:
subject, science, physical, education, P.E. , teacher, Mr ,Mrs ,example, partner ,city ,biology ,gymnastics
—What's your favorite subject
—My favorite subject is …
—Why do you like this subject
(2),what ,why 這兩個特殊疑問詞.
1, 學習詞匯:
2, 學習句型:
(1),在1a~1c里,最主要是學習新句型what's your favorite subject My favorite subject is science.由于what的句型貫穿了整個單元的學習,因而要求學生不僅會讀,會寫,最終要做到會用.基于此,首先要讓學生明白此對話的意思,接著要求學生跟錄音讀,在讀中去感悟這個句式.接下來,師生間互相問答,做到模仿運用.最后通過1a中給出的單詞P.E., art , science , music ,math ,Chinese,運用句型what's your favorite subject My favorite subject is------. 采用同桌兩人一組互相問答的方式進行.教師可請部分學生來表演(教師要注意指正學生的錯誤),并請其他同學評選出表現(xiàn)最好的一組學生.此項活動除了能融洽同桌關系外,還能培養(yǎng)學生的交際能力.
(2),在此基礎上,進一步學習2a~2d里面的新句型Why do you like P.E. Because it's fine .引導學生說出喜歡這種東西的原因.由于這一部分知識是前一部分的延伸,并且就來自于學生的日常生活,所以學生會比較有興趣學.針對這一知識的特點,可先將2a里的對話順序打亂:(1 ).Because it's fine . (2 ).What's your favorite subject (3 ). My favorite subject is P.E. . (4 ).Why do you like P.E. 讓學生自己思考將對話排列出正確順序(2)(3)(4)(1).這樣一可以培養(yǎng)學生的語感,二則可以培養(yǎng)學生的邏輯思考能力.然后再聽錄音,培養(yǎng)學生的聽力,并且加深印象.第一遍聽,第二遍讀,第三遍就可以試著復述(復述時教師應適當給出關鍵詞或關鍵語句的提醒).
在這一活動中,如果學生反應良好,教師也可將3a里的Who is your… teacher My… teacher is…….提到此處,盡量做到讓因材施教,爭取讓不同層次的學生都能有收獲.
根據(jù)Go for it!提倡任務型教學模式的精神,教師可給學生設計任務,讓他們去做一個調查,調查同學喜歡什么科目,并可順帶問問原因.表格如下:
Sindy likes P.E because it's interesting.(劃線提問)
(2)My sister's favorite subject is history. (根據(jù)答語寫出問句)
(3) My favorite subject is music. (劃線提問)
.Names of places:post office、library、hotel、restaurant、bank、supermarket、 street、pay phone、park、house、garden、market.
.Description adjectives:clean、dirty、new、old、quiet、busy.
.介詞短語:next to、in front of、between、behind、across from.
.其它:take a walk、have fun.
.掌握there be句型。
.掌握指路時所常用的祈使句,包括go straight、turn left/right、take the ...turning.
.掌握問路常用語:Excuse me.Is there...?/Where is...?
.了解問路的其它用語:Excuse me.Which is the way to...?/Can you tell me the way to...?
.句型:there be句型
第一課時: Section A 1a-1c
第二課時: Section A 2a-2c
第三課時: Section A 3a-4
第四課時: Section B 1a-2c
第五課時: section B 3a-3b
1. 教學策略
2. 學習策略
1. 知識目標:
.學會方位介詞next to、in front of、between…and、across、behind
.學會形容詞new、old、busy、quiet、clean 、dirty、big、small
2. 語言技能
.能圍繞“問路與指路”的交際用語進行交際。 *能用一些形容詞準確地描述和表達自己的觀點。
The first period(Section A 1a-1c)
Ask students “Where does he/she live?” “Where do I live?”,give students the answer“I live in this neighborhood”(show Ss the picture on the screen).
Direct Ss’attention to the picture on the screen and ask Ss “What’s this?”,present the names of the places on the board.
Give plenty of opportunity for both choral and individual repetition of the new words.
Refer to 1a and 1b in Section A on p7.
Target language-Teach
Have Ss look at the picture on the screen again and ask“Is/Are there ...?”,present Ss the answers “Yes,there is/are.” “No,there isn’t /aren’t.”.
On the board,write the models.
Have Ss look at the picture and the example question and answer together,have them take turns practicing asking and answering questions.
Invite volunteers to role-play their dialogs.
Make a survey
Organize Ss into groups,have them make a survey by asking others in the group questions
Yes/no where
post office
pay phone
Draw one of the places with color pens.
Complete the conversations according to the illustration in 1a.
一、說教材(教材分析) Analyzing teaching material
1. 說課型 lesson type (Dialogue/ reading/ listening/ revision)
2. 本課在教材中的地位 status and function
Lesson 33 Saving the Earth is a dialogue. The lesson is focused on the topic of the problems of the earth and the functional items of Supposition/ Intentions/ conjecture/ Prohibition. Since it is a dialogue / reading. It’s helpful to improve the Ss communicative/ reading ability.
3. 說教學指導思想 teaching guideline
。═eaching syllabus: Language is for communication, develop their four skills, lay special emphasis on reading; Grellet put it well in his book developing reading skills: develop reading skill/ discourse analysis; get them to understand the western culture better; improve the ability to discover, analyze & solve the problems; Reading is for information, for fun; Use Top- down model or Bottom- up model to activate Ss schemata; Interactive model)
4. 說教學目標和要求 Teaching aims and demands (…be intended for Ss in key schools)
1)認知目標 knowledge objects
a. Enable the Ss to remember the following new words & phrases:
Damage, lecture, pollute, pollution, room, standing room, be fit for, hear about, turn into
b. Get the Ss to be familiar with this sentence pattern:
If the population keeps growing so quickly, there will only be standing room left…
Give the Ss a reinforced practice on the functional item Supposition.
c. Activate Ss schemata regarding the topic of pollution and help Ss to know more about the problem of pollution.
2)智能目標 ability objects
a. Ask the Ss to make up a similar dialogue.
b. Help them to understand the dialogue better and improve the four skills.
c. Develop their ability of thinking independently.
d. Cultivate their ability to discover, analyze and solve problems.
e. Train them to collect information from the Internet.
f. Train them with some effective learning methods to optimize Ss’ learning results.
3)德育目標 moral objects
a. Arouse their interest in learning English;
b. Help them to understand the background of pollution.
c. Enable the students to love our earth and the nature.
d. Be aware of the importance of stopping pollution & protecting our environment.
e. Encourage the Ss to do something to save the earth.
5. 說教學重點 teaching important points (生詞、句型;培養(yǎng)閱讀技能)
a. New words and phrases
b. Sentence pattern: If- clause
c. improve their reading skills.
d. Talking about problems of the Earth.
6. 說教學難點 teaching difficult points (語法;發(fā)展交際能力)
a. functional item: Supposition.
b. Develop their communicative ability. Act out their own dialogue.
7. 說教具 teaching aids (multi-media computer, software, OHP)
The teaching syllabus says that it’s necessary for teachers to use modern teaching facilities. It’s of great help to increase the class density and improve our teaching result. It can also make the Ss reach a better understanding of the text by making the classes lively and interesting. At the same time, it arouses the Ss’ interest in learning English.
二、說教法 Teaching methods
Five step method; audio-video; communicative approach;
Task-based learning: New Syllabus Design encourages teachers to use this teaching method. TBLT can stimulate Ss’ initiative in learning and develop their ability in language application. Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as the director and bring their ability into full play.
三、說學法 Study methods
1. Teach Ss how to be successful language learners.
2. Teach Ss how to develop the reading skill — skim & scan; how to communicate with others; how to learn new words; how to learn independently;
3. Get the Ss to form good learning habits.
四、說教學過程Teaching procedures
I. 復習 (Revision) 5min (Daily report; 詞匯diagram; brainstorming; activate schemata)
Activity 1: Imagination
1)。 Suppose a bottle of ink is turned over and dirties your white shirt, what is to be done? (Wash it? Or throw it away?)
2)。 Suppose you catch a bad cold, what’s to be done?
3)。 Suppose your bike is broken, what’s to be done?
4)。 And suppose the earth, on which we all live, is damaged, what’s to be done?
* What can you think of when you see "pollution" this word?(waste, environment, air, water, factory, desert, climate… Try to activate the Ss schemata regarding the topic of pollution.)
II. 呈現(xiàn) (Presentation) 5min
Activity 2: Presentation
Play the song "Earth Song" sung by Michael Jackson. (Create an atmosphere)
A lot of pictures and video clips about the causes and results of the three problems mentioned in this lesson will be shown on the screen with the help of the computer.
Ss’ presentation on pollution. Attract their attention, arouse their interest, and create a good atmosphere for communication.
* Activate their schemata and cultivate their ability in collecting information from the Internet and develop their ability in thinking independently.
III. 對話 / 閱讀 (Dialogue)18m
1. Pre- reading
Activity 3: Prediction
1st listening/ fast reading, one guided Q to help Ss to get the main idea:
What do you think is discussed at the conference?
2. While- reading
Activity 4: Read and answer
2nd listening/ careful reading, more Qs to get the detailed information. Develop their reading skills: skim & scan. Pay attention to the pronunciation, stress & intonation.
* 閱讀: Pre-reading; while-reading; post-reading (fast reading/ careful reading; skim/ scan; 識別關鍵詞key words;確定主題句;創(chuàng)設信息差information gap;T or F; 填表格chart/diagram; Predicting; Make a timeline; Make a story map.達到對課文的整體理解和掌握。So that they can have a good understanding of the whole text.)
3. Post- reading
Activity 5: Language focus
While Ss are answering the Qs, the teacher deals with some key language points.
a. is being caused b. and so on c. go on doing
d. be fit for e. standing room f. if- clause
IV. 操練 (Practice) 10m
Activity 6: Retell
Use your own words to retell the dialogue in the 3rd person.
Activity 7: Acting out
Activity 8: Drill – Supposition
Purpose: Practise the functional item of Supposition. (P. 33 Part 2; P.113, wb Ex. 3)
(Retell; act out; role play)
V. 鞏固 (Consolidation) 6m
(Discussion; interview; press conference; debate; quiz)
Activity 9: role play
Suppose you were head of a village, scientist, journalist and villager, make up a conversation and ask several groups to demonstrate in front of the class.
* The Ss are encouraged to use the words and expression_r_rs like pollution, damage, be fit for, turn into, the if- clause, etc.
Activity 10: Discussion
Think of the question: Are we causing damage to the world?
What should we do to save the earth and protect our environment especially in our daily life?
Collect their answers and form a report.
VI. 作業(yè) (Homework) 1m (Writing; continue the story; recite; retell)
Write a letter to the mayor, telling him sth. about the pollution around your school.
A Brief Instruction to the topic of "What should I do?"
Shangyuan Middle School Li Yi Cai
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is LiYiCai. I come from Shangyuan Middle School in Nanjing.Today I’m going to talk about the topic" What should I do?"I will divide the instruction into seven parts: they are Teaching material Analysis, Teaching aims, Teaching emphasis, Teaching difficulties, Teaching methods, Teaching aids and Teaching procedures.
Part 1 Teaching material analysis
This period is from Unit 3 of 9A Oxford English. First of all,I’d like to talk about my understanding about this lesson.We have learned Star sings in Unit 1 and Colours and moods in Unit 2.We have also learned how to write a formal recommendation letter and how to write a report on the moods of people in last two units.Today we are going to learn two letters to a famous youth worker about Millie’s and Simon’s problems.So this unit links with a special meaning of Unit 1 and Unit 2.This period is the first lesson of Reading.The main idea of the topic is how to express their problems and ask for advice.We are going to learn the ways to deal with problems and stress in following lessons.So this period is very important in this unit.
Part 2 Teaching aims
1.Aims of the knowledge:
。1)To know the spelling of some words and usage of some phrases.
。2)To learn something about Millie’s and Simon’s problems.
(3)To grasp the main idea of Reading and use the information to talk to others about one’s problems and how to deal with them.
2.Aims of the ablilities:
(1)To improve the ability of getting information by reading.
(2)To improve the ability of retelling the story.
3.Aims of the emotion:
。1)To understand how to write about problems and to express feelings.
(2)To ask for advice to solve the problems.
Part 3 Teaching emphasis
1.To master the ‘to’-infinitives and ‘wh-’words+‘to’-infinitives.
2.To get the ability of general reading and getting information.
Part 4 Teaching difficulties
1.To recognize and understand vocabulary about problems.
2.To ask for advice
Part 5 Teaching methods
In this topic,I will use five-step Teaching Method and Task-based language Teaching.I design some tasks to help the students learn.I think if I want to improve the students’ oral English,I should give them enough chances to practice and I will use pair work,group work to let the students take an active part in all kinds of activities.That is "Learning by doing,learning by using".Let the students be the masters of the class teaching,thus,student-centered teaching method is well shown.
Part 6 Teaching aids
Projector,slide show,tape recorder and blackboard
Part 7 Teaching procedure
Step Ⅰ。Lead-in
The purpose is to arouse the students’interest of study.
Let’s have a free talk.
T:Have you got problems?
T:What is it?
S:Eating too much makes me unhealthy.
T:What about you?
Step Ⅱ。Presentation
The purpose is to develop the skills of skimming and how to gain the main idea of the articles.
1.Ask students to read two letters and answer the following questions:
、賅hat is Millie’s favorite hobby?(Painting)
、赪hat is Millie’s problem?(She doesn’t have enough time for hobbies and homework.)
、踂hen does Simon play football?(After school until late)
、蹾ow do his parents feel about it?
。═hey don’t like this and ask him to go home before 6 p.m.)
2.Ask students if there are words that they do not know.
Explain some new words briefly.
Step Ⅲ。Practice
The purpose is to develop the skills of scanning and how to gain the details from the articles.
1.Listen to the tape and answer some question about "True"or"False".
2.Ask students to read the articles again and explain some important phrases.
How to solve the problems;hand in;on time;at the moment;
can’t find any time for my hobbies;feel bad;give up;
achieve a balance between the two;hear form;make unhappy
Step Ⅳ。Retelling
The purpose is to develop the skills of retelling with the key words
1.Ask students to make sentences with phrases that we have learned.
2.Try to retell the outline of the articles.
3.Encourage students to say something about themselves.
Step Ⅴ。Summary and homework
The purpose is to give the students a clear idea of how to express their problems and revise the articles.
1.Ask students to revise the words and phrases
2.Ask students to write a letter about himself after class.
During my teaching,I’ll try my best to get my class alive and encourage the students to talk with each other in English. I think the general aim of English teaching is to improve the ability of using English. And I’ll use this to guide my teaching.
Thank you!
Good afternoon everyone ! I’m very glad to interpret my lesson here today.The lesson plan I'm going to talk about is from Book I Unit 7 What does he look like ?—the first period. The language goal is: Describe people’s looks . and there are some new description words in it .My understanding of teaching materials include three parts :(1)the first one from 1a to 1c . In this part ,help students learn the new words and language .try to describe people with them . (2)the second part from 2a to 3 ,in this part mainly practice their listening and writing .(3) the last part is Grammar Focus , in this part I’ll ask students to sum what they have learned in class and Explain some important things to them
l In this unit students learn to describe people . and the main content of this lesson are the sentences : What does heshe look like ?What do you hey look like? the answers and some description words.
l The ability aim is to describe people’s looks .
l As a new lesson I’ll use different kinds of methods to encourage the students to practice . Make them describe various people and be interested in my class .
There are eight steps in the lesson . Here are the steps .
Step I Revision
Show some pictures of people or other things to revise description words they have learned
Like :old young eautiful ugly cute long and so on . Here are the pictures :
Step II presentation
First , I‘ll use some pictures to teach new words : Show some famous star’s photos to teach new words . such as Yao Ming . He is tall . He has short hair . Here I’ll introduce the new language : What does he look like ? He is _______ . He has ________ . and then let students ask and answer with the pictures, Then do 1a match the words with the pictures . finish1b, listen and fill in the blanks . Students read the conversation together .
Step III pair work
1c: In this part point out the sample conversation . and ask students to make a new conversation imitate it . look at the picture on page 41, they describe one of them,and other students find him or her . After this do Exercise 1 on paper .
Step IV listening
In this part we’ll finish 2a and 2b . This activity provides guided listening and writing practice using the target language .first listen and circle the correct word, either is or has, When they hear it in the conversation. and then point at the chart in 2b, listen and complete it . then finish Exercise 2
Step V Game
Describe someone in the class . Ask your classmates to guess who he is describing then do Exercise II.Work in groups . and at last find which group has the most right answers and they are the champion . have a flag .
Step VI Pair work and writing
Describe Lily’s new friend . complete the dialogue with words to describe Nancy’s looks . then write a new conversation imitate it Finish Exercise 3.
Step VII Sum and Test
Review the grammar box . Ask students to read the questions and answers . Point out some important things : I’m , they’re , he’s and she’s with description of height and build .
Step VIII Homework .
Write a short passage about your good friends ,mother , or father .
I think using the target teaching method and the change of pictures and the competition may arise students interest . Each student can attend the teaching steps . and try to describe various people .improve their abilities .
At last is my blackboard designment :
What does he look like ? Words :
He’s tall. Short hair
He has short hair . curly hair medium build hinmedium height
That's all for my presentation. Thank you for your attention.
Exercises :
1. 完成對話:
A: Do you know my good friend Linda ?
B: Linda ? What _____ she look ______ ?
A: She’s ______ ______ (中等身材), she’s very ______ (瘦)。
B: What about her hair ?
A: Oh, she has long and _______ (卷曲的)hair . She has a round face with ______ _____ (大眼) and a small mouth.
B: What about her clothes ?
A: Well, she often ______ (穿) a red dress .
1. She is ____________________.
She has ___________________.
2. He is ____________________.
He has ____________________.
He likes __________________.
3. She is __________________.
She has ___________________.
She wears ___________________.
A: So you ___ my sister ?
B: What _____ she look like ?
A: She ______ medium height. And she ____ short hair .
B: Is ____ thin ?
A: No, she isn’t , And she always ______ glasses .
B: Does she ____ curly blonde hair ?
A: Yes, she does.
B: Oh. I know ____ !
1. ____ doesn your father look like ?
A. How B. What C. Who D. Where
2. He always _____ black shoes .
A. wear B. put on C. puts on D. wears
3. --- What does old Henry _____ ?
---- He’s sad.
A. look like B. looks like C. look for D. look at
4. He _____ tall and he _____ a medium build.
A. is, is B. has, is C. is , has D. has, has
5. This person is medium height. She ________ short hair .
A. is B. have C. has D. there is
1. She has long blonde hair .
______ ______ long blonde hair .
2. The boat looks like a duck .
______ ______ the boat ________ _______ ?
今天我說課的內容是新目標英語九年級unit3 sectiona1a-2c我將從以下幾個方面來進行我今天的說課:1、說教材 2、說教法 3、說學法 4、說教學過程 5、說板書設計。
一 說教材
《新目標英語》教材的語言教育理念是:知識用于行動強調“語言應用”,培養(yǎng)“創(chuàng)新、實踐能力”,發(fā)展“學習策略”。它采用任務型語言教學(Task-based Language Teaching)模式。教材中每單元都設計一個或幾個與該單元話題有關的任務,讓學生在完成任務的過程中,使用英語獲取信息,用英語進行交流,培養(yǎng)運用英語解決實際問題的能力。
本課是新目標英語九年級第3單元,教材以getting around 為中心話題,結合向他人禮貌詢問信息的方法,進一步學習問路和指路的表達方式,培養(yǎng)學生獲取、分析、處理和使用信息的能力,使他們能夠準確辨認接到地圖、描述地理位置、給他人提供幫助。本課教學內容與學生的實際生活密切相關,易于引發(fā)學生運用簡單的英語進行交際和交流。在學習活動中,學生通過詢問地點位置和方向,促進學生之間和師生之間的情感交流,增進情誼。本節(jié)課為Section A的第一課時,主要學習內容是:復習以前學習的詢問方向方式,學習一種更加有禮貌的問路方式“Do you know where I can….”和“Can you tell me where I can…”
。ǘ 說教學目標
根據(jù)課標及11單元的內容,我將本節(jié)課(即section A1a-2c 的第一課時)教學目標細化為以下五方面:語言目標,能力目標,情感和態(tài)度目標,策略目標及文化意識目標。
1.語言目標:1)生詞和短語 restroom,.shampoo, drugstore,cafe, department,
2) 重點句子 Do you know where I can …
Can you tell me where I can …
2.能力目標 :能夠聽懂重要句型及語言結構,并能夠仿照例子學會有禮貌的問路。
3.情感和態(tài)度目標: 當向他人詢問時,應注意禮貌用語!吧钍且幻骁R子,你給他微笑,他也會他微笑還給你!
4.策略目標 :看圖搭配, 注意語言交際中意思的完整;在學習中與他人合作。
5.文化意識目標: 在英語語言中,注意禮節(jié),語言的得體。
。ㄈ 說教學重點及難點
1:復習詞匯:library, bank, stamps, post office, department,
2: 復習句型:Where is the post office
Is there a post office near here Yes, It’s on center street.
3: 學習詞匯:shampoo, drugstore, restroom ,cafe, department, escalator;
4: 學習句型:“Do you know where I can … ”
“Can you tell me where I can … ”
新課程倡導教師的地位發(fā)生了極大變化,是課程的引導者,同時又是參與者。因此本節(jié)課我采取逐步引導,層層深入的教學法, 同時盡可能多的挖掘學生的潛能,使老師和學生作到極好的配合。
1)點撥法, 充分發(fā)揮老師的引導作用,注意新舊知識的聯(lián)系與疏通整理。
3) 采用多媒體課件,增大教學容量和增強直觀性。 4)合作探究法,以小組互動,競賽的方式適時去鼓勵學生學習英語的興趣和熱情。(1、任務型教學法2、情境交際法3、活動教學法) 三.說學法 新課程標準把培養(yǎng)學生學習英語的興趣,樹立自信心,培養(yǎng)良好的學習習慣方在首要位置,以此,我把學法指導定為1、自主學習、合作學習、探究學習
1. 熱身過程:讓學生去回憶并盡可能多的說出地點名詞,激發(fā)學生興趣,同時引出新單詞,并為下邊的導入新課做鋪墊。
T: Hello, everyone. We have learned many words that describe the places, Can you think of them
Ss: Yes, library, school, restaurant,bank, post office, supermarket,police station and so on.
T: Oh, good .You have a good memory. Today we will learn more new words that describe the placessuch as restroom , drugstore…
自然而然引導新詞,restroomdepartment storedrugstoreshampoo等,并復習了以前的有關場所的詞匯。同時在學生猜測的.過程中用ppt呈現(xiàn)出示各種場所的圖片及英語名稱。這一活動也為下面的聽、說練習掃清了障礙、做了鋪墊。完成1a也水到渠成。
2.新課的導入: 設計三組同學問路的方式導入新課,發(fā)揮學生的主動性,培養(yǎng)學生對英語學習的興趣,小組合作及探究能力。
Group1:A: Hi , where is the bank
B: (no answer)
Group2:A: Excuse me , where is the bank
B: It’s on center street.
Group3:A:Could you tell me where the bank is
B: Sure, There is a bank on center street.
顯而易見,第三組同學的答案最好,因為他們明白了禮貌在日常交際中不可忽視的作用。同時引出另一句型“Do you know where I can …”。這一活動培養(yǎng)了學生主動思維,提高跨文化意識。經(jīng)過前面幾個活動接下去的完成教材上1b也就容易了。.
使用1a的信息,進行對話練習,反復操練重點句型excuse me,could you please tell me where,,,,,do you know where I can…-sure,there is….進而過度到實際的生活場所,真是的環(huán)境,進行真是的交際,學生體驗到了學習成功的樂趣。
1:重點詞匯:bank , post office, library, hospital ,restaurant;
drugstore and restroom.
2: 句型:“Do you know where I can … ”
“Can you tell me where I can …
各位領導老師:大家好!今天我說課的主要內容是新目標九年級英語第六單元Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to. 本課的中心話題是音樂和音樂家。通過談論音樂使大家感受音樂的美。我將從教材分析、教學方法、教學過程和教學效果幾個方面說課。
一、 教材分析
Unit 6的中心話題是音樂,而音樂與我們的生活密切相關,通過本單元的學習,要求學生能夠用英語談論自己喜歡的音樂,和音樂家,并說明為什么。在談論這個話題的同時,學習并掌握定語從句。定語從句在初中教材中是一個很重要的知識點,學好這一單元對后面的學習很有幫助,起著承上啟下的作用。在中招考試中,不但十五個選擇題中要涉及這方面的內容,而且在也閱讀理解中也有大量的定語從句出現(xiàn),如果不能夠很好地掌握它,勢必影響學生今后對閱讀文章的理解。因此,本單元不僅是本冊書的重點,在整個初中教學中,他都占著非常重要的地位。
學會恰當?shù)氖褂靡龑г~that ,which ,who
1)掌握功能句“What kind of music do you like ? I like music that I can dance to . I love singers who can write their own music.”
2) 能夠自如地談論自己所喜歡的音樂和音樂家。
1)本節(jié)課的教學重點是學會并掌握先行詞為物或者人時,引導詞“that ,who ,which”的使用方法。
2)“prefer …to…”的用法
3)掌握有關音樂的詞匯和相關的詞組,能夠比較流利地描述自己喜歡的音樂,運用功能句 “What kind of music do you like ? I like music that I can dance to . I love singers who can write their own music.”
2、 難點
1、 教法:采取“任務型”教學法。教師根據(jù)本節(jié)課內容,安排合適的任務,讓學生在完成任務的過程中達到本節(jié)課所擬定的目標。
2、 學法:任務型。讓學生通過完成課前找資料、上課積極參與、討論,課后進行鞏固和遷移等任務,來達到擬定的目標。
任務一 :創(chuàng)設情境。通過看圖片,談天氣、服裝、音樂等學生生活中比較熟悉的事情引入本單元的功能句。傾聽、觀看、理解、記憶、回答、模仿、參與操練。通過為學生設置情境,能夠讓學生充分理解和感受功能句“what kind of music do you like ? I like music that I can dance to . I like musician who can write their own music.”的用法!冻踔杏⒄Z新課程教學法》一書提倡英語生活化教學,文中這樣寫道,“英語生活化教學,就是在教學過程中要關注和聯(lián)系學生的生活實際和生活體驗。讓英語教學貼近實際、貼近生活、貼近時代,樹立以學生為本的思想,提倡學生參與、體驗、親身實踐、獨立思考、合作探究從而實現(xiàn)教學方式和學習方式的轉變!崩脤W生感興趣的生活實際引入教學,有利于引起學生的學習興趣和參與興趣。
句子,“I like music that__”。 “造句是培養(yǎng)學生運用英語的最簡單易行的訓練方法,可以使學生通過運用單詞和短語來掌握句子。為今后寫作練習打下最基本的基礎!保ā冬F(xiàn)代英語教學法》)
任務七:閱讀練習。讓學生帶著問題,根據(jù)本節(jié)課所學自己閱讀課文Section A 3a,然后找出問題相應的答案,閱讀前,教師解釋remind sb of sb/sth “使…記得,提醒”,然后小組討論,全班訂正。這樣安排的主要目的是鍛煉學生的閱讀能力和培養(yǎng)學生的合作精神。
How can we become good learners?
第一課時Section A(la-2d)
1 .make word cards
2. listen to tapes
3. practice conversations with
4. at first
5 .word by word
1 .How do you study for a test?
2. I study by working with a group.
3 .It’s too hard to understand the voices.
4. The more you read,the faster you’11 be.
、嗄芰δ繕 運用句式用英語談論學習方法。
1 .What does Jack have to do?
He has to finish reading a book and give a report next
2. How does Annie ask Jack to understand a word?s mean-
Try to guess a word?s meaning by reading the sentences
before and after it.?
Step 1 Revision and Leading-in
對話導人:師生間開展對話,談論英語學習。對話內容可以包括下列問題: 1 .Do you like learning English? How about your English study?
2. What do you think is the best way to learn English well?
3. Do you have any other good ideas?
Step 2 SB Page l完成教材上la-lc的任務
Read the new words by the Ss first.
Then check the Ss if they can read the new words by themselves correctly. If there is a mistake,correct.
Practice reading the new words .Give them 6 minutes.
Have a competition between boys and girls .Write the words you remembered just now on the blackboard.
la. Do this part by the Ss first. According to each student,check the ways of studying English. Then add
other ways they sometimes study.
lb. Ask the students to listen to the tape. Question:How do these students study for a test?Then ask the
students to write letters from la above. After that,check the answers.
lc. Make conversations about how to study for a test.
Step 3 SB Page 2完成教材上2a-2d的任務
1 .2a. Listen and check the questions the students hear.
2 .2b. Listen again. Match each answer below with a question above.
3 .2c. Make conversations using the information in 2a and 2b.
A:Have you ever studied with a group? B:Yes,I have. I have learned a lot that way.
4. 2d. Role-play the conversation.
1、主句謂語是think, believe, expect, suppose, imagine等引導的賓語從句,就從句部分提問。
2、陳述句部分主語是不定代詞everybody, anyone, somebody, nobody, no one等,疑問部分常用復數(shù)they,有時也用單數(shù)he。
說設計這個教學程序的基本思路和根據(jù)。就初二學生來說他們學習了以下語法項目:be動詞(包括be 動詞的過去時); There be句型 ; 行為動詞的一般現(xiàn)在時;行為動詞的一般過去時;一般將來時;(包括There be句型的一般將來時);現(xiàn)在完成時;現(xiàn)在完成進行時;情態(tài)動詞和祈使句。因此,我在講授反意疑問句時,僅僅圍繞學生學過的以上語法項目進行反意疑問句的教學并進行反復練習。具體練習作業(yè)本(上、下)、典中點中的練習都有,另外,再補充一些總結性的有關反意疑問句的專項練習加以鞏固。
一、含be(is, are, was, were)動詞的反意疑問句
其句型是:句型1:主語+ be+其它,isn’t(aren’t, wasn’t, weren’t)+ 主語?
句型2:主語+ be not+其它,is(are, was, were) + 主語?
① You are from America, aren’t you? Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
、 It isn’t very cold today, is it? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
、 Tom was away yesterday, wasn’t he? Yes, he was. No, he wasn’t.
④ The Green weren’t at home last night, were they?
Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.
、 Mary is reading English now, isn’t she? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.
、 Your parents aren’t going to have a party this Sunday, are they?
Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
、 The girls were singing when the teacher came in, weren’t they?
Yes, they were. No, they weren’t.
注意:There be句型
、 There is an old picture on the wall, isn’t there?
Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.
、 There aren’t any children in the room, are there?
Yes, there are. No, there aren’t.
③ There wasn’t a telephone call for me, was there?
Yes, there was. No, there wasn’t.
、 There were enough people to pick apples, weren’t there?
Yes, there were. No, there weren’t.
二、行為動詞的一般現(xiàn)在時的反意疑問句 其句型是:句型1: 主語+動詞原形+其它,don’t I(you, we, they)?
句型2: 主語+ don’t+動詞原形+其它,do I(you, we, they)?
句型3: 主語+動詞第三人稱單數(shù)+其它,doesn’t he(she, it)?
句型4: 主語+ doesn’t+動詞原形+其它,does he(she, it)?
、 You often watch TV in the evening, don’t you? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
、 The students don’t study hard, do they? Yes, they do. No, they don’t.
③ Mary studies Chinese hard, doesn’t she? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.
④ The boy doesn’t often go to school by bike, does he?
Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
、 The first class begins at eight, doesn’t it? Yes, it does. No, it doesn’t.
三、 行為動詞的一般過去時的反意疑問句 其句型是:句型1: 主語+動詞過去式+其它,didn’t+主語?
句型2: 主語+didn’t+動詞原形+其它,did +主語?
① You watched TV last night, didn’t you? Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.
② Jim’s parents didn’t go to Hong Kong last month, did they?
Yes, they did. No, they didn’t.
、 The rain stopped, didn’t it? Yes, it did. No, it didn’t.
、 Mr. Clarke didn’t buy a car, didn’t he? Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.
其句型是:句型1: 主語+will+動詞原形+其它,won’t+主語?
句型2: 主語+ won’t +動詞原形+其它,will +主語?
、 The boys will play games, won’t they? Yes, they will. No, they won’t.
、 It won’t stop raining, will it? Yes, it will. No, it won’t.
、 Mr. Smith will visit our school next week, won’t he? Yes, he will. No, he won’t.
注意:There be句型的一般將來時
、 There will be a basketball match tomorrow, won’t there?
Yes, there will. No, there won’t.
、 There won’t be too much pollution in the future, will there?
Yes, there will. No, there won’t.
五、現(xiàn)在完成時的反意疑問句 其句型是:句型1: 主語+have+動詞過去分詞+其它,haven’t+主語?
句型2: 主語+ haven’t +動詞過去分詞+其它,have +主語?
句型3: 主語+has+動詞過去分詞+其它,hasn’t+主語?
句型4: 主語+ hasn’t +動詞過去分詞+其它,has +主語?
、 You have been to Shanghai before, haven’t you? Yes I have. No, I haven’t.
、 You haven’t been to Shanghai before, have you? Yes I have. No, I haven’t.
、 Jack has done his homework, hasn’t he? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.
、 Jack hasn’t done his homework, has he? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.
六、現(xiàn)在完成進行時的反意疑問句 其句型是:句型1: 主語+have been+動詞現(xiàn)在分詞+其它,haven’t+主語?
句型2: 主語+ haven’t been +動詞現(xiàn)在分詞+其它,have +主語?
句型3: 主語+has been +動詞現(xiàn)在分詞+其它,hasn’t+主語?
句型4: 主語+ hasn’t been +動詞現(xiàn)在分詞+其它,has +主語?
、 You have been skating for five hours, haven’t you? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
、 You haven’t been skating for five hours, have you? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
、 Bob has been collecting kites since 1999, hasn’t he? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.
④ Bob hasn’t been collecting kites since 1999, has he? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.
其句型是:句型1: 主語+情態(tài)動詞+動詞原形+其它,情態(tài)動詞否定形式+主語?
句型2: 主語+情態(tài)動詞否定形式+動詞原形+其它,情態(tài)動詞+主語?
① You can speak French, can’t you? Yes, I can. No, I can’t.
、 They can’t understand me, can they? Yes, they can. No, they can’t.
、 Ann could swim when she was six, couldn’t she? Yes, she could. No, she couldn’t.
、 The students must study hard, mustn’t they? Yes, they must. No, they needn’t.
注意:You must go home now, needn’t you? Yes, I must. No, I needn’t.
八、祈使句用于反意疑問句中 這種類型較特殊,前一部分是祈使句,后一部分是肯定疑問形式;卮鹨草^靈活。
句型1: Let me+動詞原形+其它,shall I?
Let me open the door, shall I?
Yes, please. No, thanks.
句型2: Let’s+動詞原形+其它,shall we?
Let’s go for a walk, shall we? Good idea! Sorry, I can’t.
Let's go and listen to the music, shall we?
句型3: Let us +動詞原形+其它,will you?
Let us have a reat, will you?
Let us wait for you in the reading-room, will you ?
句型4: 其它形式的祈使句,will you?
Come into the classroom, will you? OK.
Please be careful, will you?
九、值得注意的是有時英語的謂語動詞并不用否定式(即沒加上not),而是用上了“never, little, few, hardly, nothing, nobody”等詞,這時該陳述句也屬于否定句,因此,反意疑問句的后半部分應用肯定疑問式。① You have never been to Beijing, have you? Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
、 Mr. Fat has few friends here, does he? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
、 There is little milk in the bottle, is there? Yes, there is. No, there isn’t.
、 He could do nothing, could he? Yes, he could. No, he couldn’t.
十、主句謂語是think, believe, expect, suppose, imagine等引導的賓語從句,就從句部分提問。
I don't think he is bright, is he?
We believe she can do it better, can't she?
十一、 陳述部分主語是不定代詞everybody, anyone, somebody, nobody, no one等,疑問部分常用復數(shù)they,有時也用單數(shù)he。
Everyone knows the answer, don't they? (does he?)
Nobody knows about it, do they? (does he?)
這單元是9B的最后一個單元以Great people為話題展開學習,該話題很容易引起學生的討論興趣在welcome to the unit 部分,學生已初步學習了一些有關偉人的知識Reading 是一個單元的核心部分,它承載著眾多的教學任務我將reading部分分作二課時進行教學,第一課時為閱讀課,第二課時為語言知識學習課和練習鞏固課根據(jù)教材的安排及新課標要求學生通過體驗,實踐,參與,合作,交流和探究等方式學習和使用英語,真正體現(xiàn)以學習者為中心的教學理念,我詳細說說第一課時的教學基于本課在教材中所處的地位及作用,特制定以下教學目標
知識目標: 1、To grasp some important language points.
2、To understand English idoms.
能力目標: 1、To guess general meaning from keywords and context.
2、To skim text for overall meaning and scan for details.
情感目標:To learn spirit from great people.
To identify true or false statements based on the reading passage.
To extract relevant information from the reading passage.
通過形象生動的'圖片及相關資料,調動學生的學習興趣, 激起學生情感上的共鳴,從而引導學生從整體上理解課文、從細節(jié)分析課文,促進學生的語言能力及其情感等方面整體發(fā)展
一 Skim the text, answer questions:
1. Why is Neil Armstrong famous?
2. Are there any aliens on the moon?
3. What award did he get?
二 Para 1-3: Before he walked on the moonName
Neil Armstrong
Date of birth
Place of birth
at 6_____________________
at 15____________________________
at 16 _______________________________
in 1949 _____________________
when he moved to California ___________________in 1962 ________________________
in 1966 ________________________
三 Para3:Read and complete the passage:
In 1962, he ____ _______ ____become an astronaut.
In 1966, he and David R. Scott _________ ___ join two spacecraft together for the first time in space. But when the spacecraft began spinning ____ _____ ________, Mission Control thought it was _____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ______, so they _______ Armstrong ____ cut the flight short, and he succeeded.
四 Para4-5: Walking on the moon
Read and answer some questions:
1. When did Armstrong land on the moon?
2. Who did he come to the moon with?
3. What are the famous words?
4. How long did they walk on the moon?
5. What did they collect for further research?
6. What did the whole world do when Apollo 11 returned?
五 Retell the two paragraphs with the help of the six questions above:
六 Para6-7:Reports about aliens on the moonRead and judge T or F:
1. It is said that Armstrong and Aldrin saw alien spacecraft.
2. The alien spacecraft is very small.
3. When Armstrong was on the moon, the aliens were very friendly.
七 Para8:Award for Armstrong
1.What is the Medal of Freedom for a US citizen?
2. What did Armstrong do for people around the world?
八 Read the passage together and fill in the blanks with right words:
Neil Armstrong took his first f_______ at six and received his pilot’s ________(執(zhí)照) at 16. In 1949, Neil j_______ the navy and worked as a p_______. He was s_________ to be an astronaut in 1962. Four years later, he m__________ to join two spacecraft together in space. On 20th July 1969, he _______(著陸) Apollo 11 on the moon with Aldrin __________(成功)Neil said ‘one small step for man, one giant leap for m________’ Armstrong got the highest a_____ that a US c________ can receive. He is the pride of the world.
九 Retell the text
Name: Neil Armstrong
Date of birth: 5th August 1930
Place of birth: Ohio, the USA
Major event: at 6: was interested in flyingat 16: got his student pilot’s licence
In 1949: joined the navy
In 1962: became an astronaut
In 1966: joined 2 spacecraft together for the first time in space.
On 20th July 1969: walked on the moon
Famous words: one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.
Award: Medal of Freedom
What do you think of him: our pride — make us realize…Homework:
1.Recite the text.
2.Finish some additional exercises.
本單元的核心教學項目是“看病就醫(yī)”(Seeing the doctor ),各課圍繞這核心項目設計布置了聽、說、讀、寫活動。對話,課文和練習內容均取自于同學的日常生活,實用性強。同學們會因為此話題的趣味性和實用性而感興趣, 故能在學中用,用中學,印象深刻。
1. 在 Lesson69 課中,第一局部設計了Jill 生病的一幅情景圖,并配有一個短對話,引出Seeing the doctor 的動機。第二局部利用Puzzle dialogue形式把本單元重點話題自然地,以日常生活的活動形式出現(xiàn)給同學。第三局部采用Look, say and write活動,自然地引出情態(tài)動詞 have to的用法。
2. 在 Lesson 70 課中,閱讀文章Dreams 是前一課對話內容的繼續(xù)。男孩Roy老做夢,造成睡眠不佳,故前去看病就醫(yī)。閱讀前有兩個問題供同學討論,以便讓同學考慮在先,或帶著問題去閱讀。
3. Lesson 71 課是語言訓練課。第一局部是一段有關飲食與健康關系的短對話,同時也為同學提供了語言訓練的樣板。第二局部是以操練Link verb為宗旨的句型范例。第三局部是所學語言知識的自然延伸,向同學介紹二位世界著名醫(yī)學界人士Nightingale和Bethune。
4. Lesson72課是綜合練習課,它包括了圍繞著Seeing the doctor的功能話題 的聽力練習、句型操練、對話復習和寫作示范,以鞏固同學對本單元的核心話題Seeing the doctor的記憶與理解。
通過對本單元教材內容的分析,不難看出 Seeing the doctor 這一話題取自于生活,實用性強,同學容易接受,并對此興致盎然,教師也較容易激活與其相關的語言知識,所以就該話題自身而言,并不是很難,真正的重點和難點在于:
掌握有關Seeing the doctor 的習慣用語。l
能靈活運用have to 重點句型,并清楚其運用的場所和與must 的區(qū)別。l
掌握link verb的'用法特點l
The words and expressionsl used in the talking “Seeing the doctor”.
The pattern : have tol
l Grammar: link verb
To develop students’ ability of listeningl and talking about “Seeing the doctor”.
To develop students’ ability ofl reading comprehension by reading the text Dreams .
To develop students’l ability of observation 、 imagination and creation.
3. 情意目標
Tol encourage students to be brave enough to speak English more in class.
Tol encourage students to keep health in order to serve the people and their country in the future.
三、 教學設想
通過診斷性評價,可了解到同學在以前的教材中,已學過了與Seeing the doctor 話題 相關的單詞和句子,如head 、eyes 、hands,、foot 、legs 等身體部位單詞和句型 What’s wrong with you ? I don’t feel well . My head hurts. etc.這為同學循序漸進地自然習得Seeing the doctor的語言知識,鋪墊了良好的語言學習基礎。 因此,筆者根據(jù)Seeing the doctor 這個話題的交際性能強,實際運用廣等特點,將本單元的教學戰(zhàn)略重點定位在三個教學環(huán)節(jié)上,即,Presentation, Practice 和 Production上,將“激發(fā)興趣,激活思維,輕松導入;讀后仿說,逐層訓練,強化能力;創(chuàng)設情景,遷移知識,實現(xiàn)交際”作為本單元設計的導向。
1. Presentation-------激發(fā)興趣 ,激活思維,輕松導入。
1) Lesson 69 的導入方法
Take exercise做運動. 跟著“健康歌”的樂曲,讓同學跟著老師做健康操。l
l Play games 做游戲 . 讓同學相互之間做“Touch your nose”的游戲。
Chant 讀節(jié)奏詩.l 老師可根據(jù)課文要求,編寫與教學內容相符的小詩,歌曲等。
以上幾個活動,均與同學的原有知識the parts of the body 有關,采用這種手法進行熱身,不只復習了相關的學習內容,更主要的是讓同學在“做做、唱唱、笑笑”中進入了學習狀態(tài),從而引出對話
——Can you take exercise like me ?
——No, I can’t. I have a headache today.
——Can you play the game with me ?
——No, I can’t. I have a cold today. etc.
——Xiao Li can’t play games with us .Do you know why?
——I know he has a cold today。
.(然后協(xié)助同學認知have a headache / a cold /a cough 等習語)
On dutyl 值日生匯報. 讓值日生創(chuàng)設情景,與Partner就前一單元課文 內容“Mr. Smile在家中舉行Party”,進行自由問答,然后切入主題
——Did Kate go to the party ?
——No, she didn’t.
——Why did she not go there ?
——Because she was ill.
——What was wrong?
——She had a cold . She had a cough and a headache.
——Oh ,I’m sorry to hear that .Is she better now?
2) Lesson 70 的導入方法
Story-tellingl 老師或同學進行story介紹,如
Oh, boys and girls, there is something wrong with me ,too. I didn’t sleep well last night. Do you know why?
這時,同學會由于問題的提出而活躍起來,會七嘴八舌地進行猜想,然后老師向同學描述夢境,引出生詞和詞組 dream, fall asleep, wake up 等,為引出Roy的unhappy dream,激活了思維,掃清了語言障礙。
Picture-talkingl 利用多媒體,向同學展開畫面,引導同學對dreams 進行討論和評說。
-----What is he/she doing? -----He/She is sleeping.
-----What is he/she doing while he/she is asleep? -----He/She is dreaming.
-----Did he have a good dream or a terrible one? ---.
在引出生字dream 后,協(xié)助同學就做夢與身體健康之間的關系,進行討論,在熱烈的氣氛中,自然地過渡到課文Dreams的學習上。
3) Lesson 71 導入方法
Have a quizl 做討論題。包括飲食,休息,鍛煉,健康等一些常識性問題,來吸引同學的興趣與注意,激發(fā)他們敢于質疑,大膽解疑,以引導同學通過積極投入語言實踐,逐步向新資料迫近,為Lesson 71 的第一局部有關飲食與健康的對話學習,做了必要的鋪墊。
Stick figuresl 采用簡筆畫手法,來引出新語言點link verb 的用法。如
-----What is he/she like today?
-----Is he/she happy or unhappy?
-----Do you know why he/she looks happy/unhappy? etc.
采用這種方法,不只僅是方便,直觀,能引起同學的興趣和注意力,更因為它們的恰到好處的運用,激活了同學的思維,為引出聽力資料 Mr. Brown’s trouble 做好了準備。如通過對簡筆畫的討論,把話題轉入聽力資料的內容中。
-----Is Mr. Brown happy or unhappy today, Do you want to know?
-----What’s his trouble, do you know?
2. Practice------- 讀后仿說,逐層訓練,強化能力.
同學在教師的引導下學習了新句型,新單詞以后,還必需對所學的知識進行鞏固。在沒有對新句型,新單詞等達到一定的熟練程度之前,同學很難將所學的知識應用到實際生活中去。因此,采用師生合作,生生合作,結合話題,圍繞新知識點進行對話,交流和討論等活動,讓同學獲得基本的語言能力。如在訓練句型have to 時,我設計了三個訓練程序。
師生問答 就Lesson 69的第三局部進行師問生答,并完成筆頭作業(yè)。l
生生問答 就句型Ifl you---,what do you have to do ? 進行pairwork 。
小組討論l 提供情景,加大信息量,引導同學進行groupwork. 如,
1.If your mother is ill and she can’t cook supper for you when you come back from school one day. What do you have to do ?
2.One day when you were on your way to school, You saw an accident happen. An old man was lying on the ground. He couldn’t move .What did you have to do ?
當然,根據(jù)不同的教學內容,有不同的強化訓練手段。如,對Lesson70 的閱讀文章的Practice方法是:
表層分析——復述應答:l 要求同學機械重復課文中的內容,使課文信息再現(xiàn)。(是非題,課后問答題,圖表填空題,競賽等)
深層剖析——推斷應答:l 要求同學利用信息,憑借經(jīng)驗理解讀物的“弦外之意”。(指導性問題和細節(jié)性問題)
整體評價——自由交際:l 要求同學用所學知識,對新情景進行交際。(教師選擇恰當?shù),與課文相關和有關社會熱點的Topics。)
3. Production-------創(chuàng)設新景,遷移知識,實現(xiàn)交際。
Lesson 69 1)扮演(perform): 創(chuàng)設新的情景,如:護送運動會上受傷的同學去醫(yī)院就癥;協(xié)助交通事故中受輕傷的老大爺回家等。
2)采訪(interview): 詢問同學身體健康狀況。
Lesson 70 1)話題(topic): “_________dream”。(留有空白,讓同學自由發(fā)揮想象)
2) 扮演(perform): 采訪“老壽星”(a long-lived man/woman)活動。
Lesson 71 1)評論(comment):“Why so many fat children in our country now?”
“ Why so many students who have poor eye-sight today?
2)采訪(interview): “What do you like to eat?”
Lesson 72 1)話題(topic):“How to correctly arrange your three meals a day?”
2)活動(activity): “A school doctor is wanted”
Lesson 9 說課稿
第二單元第一課,在這一單元中起到拋磚引玉的作用。本課是一篇對話,是學生較為熟悉也很喜歡的一種文章結構。通過Jenny、brain、Danny的對話講述了record這個概念。 本課課文中的生詞只有兩個即ordinary及structure間。而課文的語言知識點不多,學生也已經(jīng)通過查資料等簡單的方法對重難點有了一定的了解。而本課主要的知識點有:turn 的用法、Record 表示記錄Break的用法和形容詞比較級和最高級的用法。本課的授課時間為一課時。因為學生們對冠軍這個稱謂和勇奪第一這樣的話題較為感興趣。九年級學生思維活躍、求知欲強、表達能力好。因此在這樣的情況下,正確的引導學生將興趣轉化為學習的動力,熟練掌握本課的重難點是本課的突破點。另外讓學生了解自己也有獨一無二、別人比不了的優(yōu)點,而與此同時,提高學生的自信心是本課的情感目標。而在教學中教師精心設計的問題鏈條激發(fā)學生的求知欲,讓學生可以更加自覺主動地去學習,沒有任何的心理負擔和懼怕心理,逐漸改變學生的觀念,變被動學習為主動學習,真正激發(fā)學生的學習興趣。根據(jù)具體的教學目標,特別是在加強學生的基礎知識掌握上,也著重考慮到學生興趣及語言能力的培養(yǎng)。而本課只有一課時,因此我是這樣設計本課的:
1. What world record do Brain and Danny want to break?
2. How could they break the record?
3.What’s Danny going to do?
4.What does Brain think of Danny?
由學生自主閱讀學習、同桌間交流討論,在規(guī)定的時間內(5分鐘)快速的也鍛煉了學生的閱讀能力。接著出示本課重要的語言點:turn Record表示記錄、 Break 的用法、 形容詞比較級和最高級,要求學生去精讀課文。同樣要求學生自主學習。這個環(huán)節(jié)中,放手將任務交給學生完成。在閱讀和交流的過程中,學生自然而然會對文章有一個很詳細的了解,特別是在查找知識點重點詞的`時候學生會對出現(xiàn)這個詞的前后句有一個較深印象,查找賓語從句的時候更是如此。另外,九年級的學生動手動腦的能力很強、求知欲、表現(xiàn)欲強。抓住這些特點,讓學生親自實踐,全民參與。在交流探索中學習到蘊含其中的知識。鼓勵學生自己查找資料,這本身就是一種學習。再與別人交流討論圖片已關閉顯示,點此查看又得到了知識上的互補。適時對學生進行引導,指導學生的學習方法。
第二冊第五單元第二節(jié)課, 本單元圍繞做"比較"( Makingcomparison) 這個題材開展多種教學活動,它與上一單元聯(lián)系緊密,是它的延續(xù)。本節(jié)課是本單元的重點,表示數(shù)量的some,few的比較。通過學習的比較等級,進一步加深對比較等級的語法現(xiàn)象的理解和運用。同時通過some,few比較等級在陳述句與疑問句中的操練,進一步提高學生聽、說、讀、寫綜合素質能力。
重點:學習表示數(shù)量some, a few的比較等級。
難點:some, a few的比較等級在實際生活中的應用。
為了激發(fā)學生的學習興趣,引起注意,拉近師生距離,首先告訴學生這節(jié)課我將帶他們去一個有趣的地方,并請他們依據(jù)我的提示猜測要去哪里? 當學生猜出去農場時,我們便"上車", 一路歡歌(PickingApples)去農場。隨著"嘎"的剎車聲,電腦打出農場全景, 給學生一種身臨其境的感覺,導入正課。
為了調動學生的積極性,利用Work in threes,in pairs,in row,in group,及Boys ask,Girls answer等多種不同方式操練鞏固。使得學生處于積極思維的狀態(tài)之中,全方位、多角度培養(yǎng)學生運用英語的能力。
本課的又一次高潮是將游戲與練習有機結合,融為一體。設計下棋游戲,棋盤為20個格,每格均為在蘋果園里勞動的情景,并配有本課的重點--比較等級的練習題。棋盤的上一男一女分別代表男生和女生兩大組,值得一提的是決定男女生在棋盤上走幾步的轉盤,是用本課重點詞匯fewest,fewer,a few,some,more和most組成,使得學生在玩中進一步體會數(shù)量some,a few的比較等級的運用。讓學生通過轉輪,邊做游戲邊做練習,寓教于樂,極大地激發(fā)學生學習興趣,同時鞏固了學生所學的知識。
Unit 5 Lesson 18
Kate some apples.
Jim has more apples than Kate.
Meimei the most of all.
The first truck a few baskets.
The second one is carrying fewer tham the first.
The third one the fewest of all.
Good morning everyone. I’m ____ I’m from____. Now I’ll say junior Oxford English 8B Unit 1 Comic strips and welcome to the unit. I’ll prepare to say the lesson from four parts.
Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material
。ㄒ唬 Status and Function
This is the first lesson of the unit. Such a topic is related to daily life so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their society sense. It can help students to attain "four skills" request of listening speaking reading and writing. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.
。ǘ Teaching aims and Demands
1. Knowledge objects
To learn the vocabulary about the traffic at different times in Beijing.
2.Ability objects
。1)To introduce the grammatical concept of the present perfect tense .
(2)To act out the comic strips .
。3) Moral objects
To get the Ss to love their present life.
。ㄈ Teaching key and Difficult point
1. Key points
To master the words about the traffic at different times in Beijing.
2. Difficult points:
To learn the use of the present perfect tense .
Part Two The Teaching Methods
1. Communicative teaching method
2. Audio-visual teaching method
3. Task-based" teaching method
Part Three Studying Ways
1. Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners.
2. Let the Ss pass "Observation-Imitation-Practice" to study language.
3. Teach the Ss how to master dialogues and how to communicate with others.
Part Four Teaching Procedures
I’ll finish the lesson in four steps.
Have a free talk between T and Ss about some changes to our life.
1.Look at the pictures in part A on page7 let Ss talk about the different forms of transport in Beijing. Then show them on PPT.
2.Ask Ss to fill in the blanks and practice reading them again and again.
3.Show 4 pictures on page6 to the Ss then play the tape. Ss listen carefully and repeat.
4.Act out the dialogue in front of the class.
1.Retell the dialogue and act out the dialogue with the partner.
2.Do exercises on PPT then check the answers.
1.Recite the new words and useful phrases.
2.Finish off the exercises in workbook. That’s all thank you.
Good morning everyone. Now I’ll say junior Oxford English 8B Unit 1Reading part A Times have changed. I’ll prepare to say the lesson from four parts.
Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material
。ㄒ唬㏒tatus and Function
This is the second lesson of the unit. The lesson aims to introduce the changes in Mr Chen’s hometown. Such a topic is related to daily life so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their society sense. It can help students to attain "four skills" request of listening speaking reading and writing. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.
(二) Teaching aims and Demands
1.Knowledge objects
。1) To learn the new words and expressions.
。2)To learn and get a better understanding of the passage.
2.Ability objects
。1) To develop the students’ reading skills.
。2)To be able to search some information about Sunshine Town.
3.Moral objects
。1) To get the Ss to love their present life.
(2)To arouse the Ss’ interests in English.
。3)To build up the Ss’ confidence.
。ㄈ Teaching key and Difficult point
1. Key points
。1) To master the new words and expressions.
。2)To grasp the useful expressions.
2. Difficult points:
(1) To understand the specific information and think about related points.
。2)To retell the main idea of the text.
Part Two The Teaching Methods
1. Communicative teaching method
2. Audio-visual teaching method
3. Task-based" teaching method
Part Three Studying Ways
1.Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners.
2.Let the Ss pass "Observation-Imitation-Practice" to study language.
3.Teach the Ss how to master the conversation and how to communicate with others.
Part Four Teaching Procedures
I’ll finish the lesson in four steps.
Have a free talk between T and Ss about some changes to our life. T: What changes have taken place in our life Do you want to know the changes to the Sunshine Town Work in pairs say sth about it.
1.Ask Ss to skim the text quickly on their own and answer some questions.
2.Check the answers. And play the tape for the Ss to listen and repeat. Then get Ss to do true or false questions.
1. Ask Ss to read the conversation in pairs and do the exercises on PPT.
2. Explain some important language points.
3. Ask some able Ss to retell the passage.
1.Read and recite the text.
2.Remember all the new words and useful language points.
Good morning everyone. Now I’ll say junior Oxford English 8B Unit 1 Vocabulary. I’ll prepare to say the lesson from four parts.
Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material
。ㄒ唬 Status and Function Teaching contentsThis is the fourth lesson of the unit. The lesson aims to introduce about opposites. It’s very easy but It’s important to master the knowledge. From this Ss can also extend their vocabulary. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.
。ǘ Teaching aims and Demands
1.Knowledge objects
。1)To learn the new words.
2 To learn the opposites.
2. Ability objects
To use appropriate adjectives in context to express positive and negative meanings.
3. moral objects
To get the Ss to love their present life.
。ㄈ㏕eaching key and Difficult point
1. Key points
To understand the word-formation
2. Difficult points:
To know and grasp the negative prefix
Part Two The Teaching Methods
1. Communicative teaching method
2. Audio-visual teaching method
3. Task-based" teaching method
Part Three Studying Ways
1. Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners.
2. Let the Ss pass "Observation-Imitation-Practice" to study language.
3. Teach the Ss how to master the suffixes and how to correct the mistakes.
Part Four Teaching Procedures
I’ll finish the lesson in four steps.
Show some pictures or draw some pictures on the Bb. Get Ss to say the opposites. e.g.big-small tall-short happy-unhappyStep2.Presentation
1.Show some sentences with pictures or flash on PPT. Underline some adjectives and get Ss tofind out the opposites.
2.Explain the opposites. Some are regular others are irregular. We add some prefixes like in-un-im- dis-il-ir to form negatives.
3.Read and remember the opposites.
Step3. Practice
1Show some exercises on PPT let Ss finish them.
2Finish off the exercises on page12then check the answers.
Step4. Homework
Try to remember all the adjectives and their opposites with right prefixes.
Good morning everyone. Now I’ll say junior Oxford English 8B Unit 1GrammarAampB. I’ll prepare to say the lesson from four parts.
Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material
(一)Status and Function Teaching contentsThis is the fifth lesson of the unit. We have learnt about the present perfect tense in unit1.This period continues to talk about the use of the present perfect tense and the time expressions with the present perfect tense. It’s very important and difficult. From this Ss can also extend their knowledge. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.
。ǘ㏕eaching aims and Demands
1.Knowledge objects
。1)To learn the use of the present perfect tense.
。2) To learn the spelling of the past participles of some verbs.
2.Ability objects
。1)To understand the differences between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense.
(2) To understand adverbs of time and use them with the present perfect tense.3. moral objects To get the Ss to love their present life.
(三) Teaching key and Difficult point
1.To use the present perfect tense to talk about events that started in the past and are connected tothe present2.To understand adverbs of time and use them with the present perfect tense correctly.
Part Two The Teaching Methods
1. Communicative teaching method.
2. Audio-visual teaching method
3. Task-based" teaching method
Part Three Studying Ways
1.Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners.
2.Let the Ss pass "Observation-Imitation-Practice" to study language.
3.Teach the Ss how to master the grammar and how to use it correctly.
Part Four Teaching Procedures
I’ll finish the lesson in four steps.
1. Review the important sentences in reading A . e.g1 How long has Mr Chen lived in Sunshine Town2 When did Mr Chen get married3What has the center the of town becomeStep2. Presentation
1.Explain the use of the present perfect tense. Help Ss compare the differences between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense.
2.Encourage Ss to conclude the structure of the present perfect tense from the model sentences.
3.Teach Ss how to write the past participles of verbs. Help them conclude the rules.
Step3. Practice
1Do the exercises on PPT to get the Ss to grasp the rules and the structures.
2.Finish off the exercises in their books.
1. Review grammar A.
2.Recite the past participles of verbs on page14 in the book.
Revise the present perfect tense we have learnt last class.
Step2. Presentation
1.Show some model sentences on PPT.
2.Tell Ss that we can use adverbs of time with the present perfect tense such as already ever yet never since and for. Ask Ss to learn Part B. Pay attention to the differences between these adverbs of time.
Step3. Practice
1.Ask Ss to make some sentences with these adverbs in the present perfect tense.
2.Do the exercises in PartB.
3.Give more exercises to consolidate.
1.Review grammarB.
2.Recite the table on page16 in the book.
Good morning everyone. Now I’ll say junior Oxford English 8B Unit 1 Integrated skills. I’ll prepare to say the lesson from four parts.
Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material
。ㄒ唬㏒tatus and Function
This is the seventh lesson of the unit. It continues to talk about the changes .It puts listening speaking reading and writing together with comprehensive drills. It can help students to attain "four skills" request of listening speaking reading and writing. It can also improve the Ss’ comprehensive ability of using English. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.
(二)Teaching aims and Demands
1.Knowledge objects
。1) To master the new words and phrases.
。2) To master the important language points.
2.Ability objects
。1) To improve the ability of getting information from listening and reading.
。2) To train the Ss’ abilities of listening speaking reading and writing.
3. moral objects
。1) To arouse the Ss’ interests in English.
(2)To build up the Ss’ confidence.
。3) To get the Ss to love their our world.
。ㄈ Teaching key and Difficult point
1. Key points
(1) To master the new words and expressions.
。2) To master the language points.
2. Difficult points:
。1) To improve the ability of getting information from listening and reading.
(2) To train the Ss’ abilities of listening speaking reading and writing.
Part Two The Teaching Methods
1. Communicative teaching method
2. Audio-visual teaching method
3. "Task-based" teaching method
Part Three Studying Ways
1.Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners.
2.Let the Ss pass "Observation-Imitation-Practice" to study language.
3.Teach the Ss how to improve their "four skills". and how to communicate with others.
Part Four Teaching Procedures
I’ll finish the lesson in four steps.
There have been many changes in Starlight Town Do you want to know more about the changesStep2.Presentation
Show the pictures of Starlight Town’s past and present.
1Talk about its changes.
2 Listen to the tape and complete the list in part A1.
3 Listen again and check the answers.4Finish off partA2 according to listening.
1.Let Ss talk about the changes between the past and present around their life.
2.Listen to the tape about Millie and Sandy’s conversation in partB then answer some questions3.Practise reading part B again and again then make dialogues like this.
4. Act out the dialogue in front of the class.
Recite the dialogue in part B and practice making a dialogue with the partner.
Good morning everyone. Now I’ll say junior Oxford English 8B Unit 1 Main task. I’ll prepare to say the lesson from four parts.
Part One Analysis of the Teaching Material
。ㄒ唬㏒tatus and Function
This is a very important lesson. It’ a good chance for the Ss to practice writing. Such a topic is related to daily life so it is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their society sense. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.
。ǘ㏕eaching aims and Demands
1.Knowledge objects
。1) To master the new words and phrases.
(2) To learn to select organize and present information.
2. Ability objects
。1) To describe and explain the experiences and feelings.
。2) To be able to write a report about changes to your hometown.
3. Moral objects
(1) To arouse the Ss’ interests in English.
。2)To build up the Ss’ confidence.
。3) To get the Ss to love their present life.
。ㄈ Teaching key and Difficult point
1. Key points
。10. To master the new words and expressions.
。2) To master the language points.
2. Difficult points:
(1) To write a report about changes to your hometown.
。2) To use the present perfect tense correctly.
Part Two The Teaching Methods
1. Communicative teaching method
2. Audio-visual teaching method
3. Task-based" teaching method
Part Three Studying Ways
1 Teach the Ss how to be successful language learners.
2 Let the Ss pass "Observation-Imitation-Practice" to study language.
3.Teach the Ss how to write a report about changes to their hometown.
Part Four Teaching Procedures
I’ll finish the lesson in four steps.
Step1.Warm up
Free talk about changes around your life. Do you want to know the changes to Moonlight TownStep2.Presentation
1. Show the pictures of Moonlight Town’s past and presentlet Ss say sth about them.
2. To complete part A3 according to part A2 then check the answers. Practise reading it.
1. Use the report in part A3 as a model let Ss say out the changes to their hometown.
2. Let some Ss talk about their hometowns to the whole class.
1. To recite the new words and phrases.
2. To finish off the report.
今天我說課的內容是《牛津初中英語》8A Unit 2 School Life的Reading第一課時對于這節(jié)課我將以教什么、怎么教、為什么這么教為思路,從教材分析、教法分析、學法分析和教學過程四個方面加以說明
一 說教材
本課以school lives為話題,以學習life in a British school and in an American school為載體,以find out the differences between a British school and an American school為任務為了使學生對這一話題更感興趣,在教學過程中,我準備采用多媒體輔助教學這一教學模式設置情境,有效地將單詞、句子和情景相結合,達到語言點的靈活運用和學生學以致用的目的
教學目標:能聽懂,會說,會讀,會拼寫單詞mixed,subject,sew,tasty,hero,close,taste and article.能根據(jù)關鍵詞和上下語境猜測課文大意
重難點:本課是Reading的第一課時,主要為了完成這樣一個任務,即通過閱讀理解文章主題,通過設計一些如true or false questions, answer questions, fill in the blanks, line the words等練習題檢查學生對課文的理解程度由于新課程標準要求大力培養(yǎng)學生的閱讀能力,所以通過閱讀理解文章大意就成了本課的重點通過對文章的理解要求學生能用自己的語言描述出相關內容,這就是本課的難點
二 說教法
1. 直觀情境教學法:本課將利用多媒體創(chuàng)設情境,激發(fā)學生的好奇心和求知欲;設置語境,使學生體驗語言的真實、自然,從而培養(yǎng)學生組織和表達語言的.能力
2. 任務型教學法:根據(jù)任務型教學的原則設計語言實踐活動,通過學生體驗、參與、合作、交流、探究等方式學習和使用英語,從而完成教學任務
3. 活動式教學法:在本課的教學中,主要采用跟讀、分組朗讀、分角色朗讀等多種閱讀方式,將書本知識融入活動中,讓學生在活動中不斷的吸收、內化所學知識
4. 循序漸進,達到目標教學法:英語畢竟是一門外語,學生缺乏語言環(huán)境要掌握本課內容不能一蹴而就,可以將重點難點分解到各個教學環(huán)節(jié)中去,為學生搭建一個坡度合適的臺階,幫助他們一步步實現(xiàn)目標
5. 注重過程評價,促進學生發(fā)展教學法:為了實現(xiàn)新課程改革的發(fā)展目標,必須建立體現(xiàn)新課程教育理念的評價理念和評價體系因此,教師應引進一些能激發(fā)學生學習興趣并使其形成自主學習的評價體系,多角度及時準確地評價學生,使他們感受成功,從而激發(fā)和培養(yǎng)學生學習的積極性和自信心
三 說學法
1."發(fā)現(xiàn)---探究---創(chuàng)新"學習法:為了充分發(fā)揮學生的主體性,我引導學生自己去設計活動,得出結論在探究中培養(yǎng)學生的觀察能力和語言組織表達能力 2.合作學習法:將學生分成若干小組,給學生以足夠的空間,參與的機會,充分展現(xiàn)個性和創(chuàng)造性
四 說教學過程
Step 1 Warming-up
First let’s enjoy an English song! 同時屏幕上出現(xiàn)我們平時上課、課間活動及用餐時的照片,這些照片都與同學們平時的生活息息相關,很能吸引他們的注意力,同時也使學生對本課的內容產生了隨意注意
Step 2 Lead in
利用多媒體呈現(xiàn)本課涉及的一些學校生活:Reading Week,driving lesson,Home Economics class,lunchtime,Buddy Club and softball game,要求學生6人一組,互相討論合作描述圖片內容
Step 3 Presentation and Practice
。1) 將課文中出現(xiàn)的第一幅圖片投影在屏幕上,同時提出兩個問題:Who wrote the first passage? What activity does the school have every year? 讓學生帶著問題聽課文第一段錄音
。2) 布置學生自己朗讀課文,根據(jù)上下語境理解文章主題,完成教師設置在屏幕上的"true or false" questions.學生回答問題時可以采取搶答式,小組間進行競爭
(5)把學生分成4人小組,要求學生分段細讀課文,互相合作探討找出課文中出現(xiàn)的新單詞和一些比較難理解的句子,并嘗試根據(jù)上下語境理解其意思,完成教師設置在屏幕上的fill in the blanks and line the words練習題
Q1 Which subject is John’s favourite?
Q2 What can John cook now?
Q3 What can John do during the Reading Week?
Q4 What did Jim do in school last year?
Q5 How does Nancy go to school every day? What does she think of it?
Q6 What do the students do in the Buddy Club?
Q7 Why does Nancy say Julie is her hero?
Step 4 Activity
將學生分成6人小組,以小組為單位,要求他們充分發(fā)揮個性和創(chuàng)造性,在life in a British school和life in an American school兩個主題中任選一個,()用自己的語言去改編課文,然后每組推選一位同學上臺展現(xiàn)成果
Step 5 Homework
(1) 要求學生用第三人稱改寫課文內容,向好朋友介紹一下美國和英國的學校生活
。2) 要求學生多渠道地調查一下世界各地的學校生活,可以上網(wǎng)查詢,可以向親朋好友打聽,也可以翻看報紙雜志等