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  Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?

  I will talk about my teaching idea from 6 aspects

  Firstly ,let me talk about the analysis of the Teaching Material

  The topic of this unit is about vacation plans. It is from the unit 3 of PEP English < go for it> the first semester of grade 8 .This is an interesting topic for students. So all the activities in this unit are helpful to raise students’ learning interest. This section including two periods. I will finish Part 1, Part 2 and Grammar Focus in this period .students will learn some words and the target language and know how to make vacation plans. Their integrating skills will be improved .The target language is the basic for Ss to learn the other contents of this unit. So it’s very important to learn this lesson well.

  The teaching aims are established according to Junior School English syllabus' provision and the teaching material. As follows:

  Knowledge Object :In this unit students learn to talk about future plans.and learn some key vocabulary: camping, visiting and so on . Use the Present progressive as future in the daily life .

  Ability Object :To train the students’ ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing. and ability of making future plans.

  Moral Object:students know the truth "You can’t work efficiently if you don’t have a good rest.""Making a good vacation plan can make your trip happy."

  According to the teaching material and the students' characteristic,I think the key points are helping the students master the key vocabulary, understand and use the target language ,master the usage of the different forms of “be” in the target language.

  The difficult points are helping the students use the target language to talk about the future activities

  Secondly ,I will talk about the the students

  The students have learnt English for more than one year. They know some English, but some of them didn’t learn it well. Especially, most of them are afraid to speak English. For this lesson, the students have known the pattern “be doing”. Half of them can use “be” correctly. Half of them can change a verb to “verb+ing” correctly. But they don’t know to use the pattern “be doing” as future. And this is what I teach in this lesson.

  Thirdly ,I will talk about the teaching methods and learning methods

  As we all know,the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative” teaching method, “Audio-visual” teaching method and “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the target language. I’ll give the Ss some tasks and arrange six kinds of activities: watching CAI, writing some activities, listening, make conversations, listening practice and group activities.

  At the same time,the students will pass "Observation-Imitation-Practice" to study language,study English language by Communication.

  During the teaching process , Multi-media computer, Tape recorder, ppt and school things will be needed.

  Fourthly ,the important part is teaching procedure .according the theory of new curriculum standard ,I will present my teaching procedure in 5 steps.

  Step 1. Lead in

  This step revises the present continue tense. Students Ask and answer some questions ,such as "What are you doing?" "What is she/he doing? "in pairs.

  Step 2. presentation

  Show five pictures on the screen. These pictures show the students’ activities for the next vacation. I will point at the picture and say"What is she doing for vacation? She is camping." Then write “camping” on the Bb. Ask them guess the meaning of the word according to the picture.then learn and explain the word “babysit”.

  Task 1: divide the students into four groups. Ask each group to discuss to write the other three activities on the Bb and add more using the “ing” form of verbs. Have a competition. The group which writes the most correctly and shows the most activities is the winner.This task introduces the key vocabulary and Ss start to touch Present progressive as future. The competition can raise Ss’ learning interest.

  Step 3. practice

  Task 2:Show three pictures and three activities on the screen. Ask Ss to listen to the tape to match the pictures with the activities. After they do them correctly, give them some praise. This task gives students listening practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.

  Task 3:ask the students to work in pairs to talk about the five pictures. Ask Ss to use the different forms of verb “be” correctly.then some pairs act them out to check the pronunciation and the forms of verb “be”.This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.

  Task 4:Ask Ss to open their books and turn to Page 14. Look at part 2a, Explain the chart and make sure the students understand the chart and what to do.Then play the tape for three times. For the first time the students only listen to understand the whole general meaning of the conversations. For the second time the Ss pay attention to the activity in each conversation and write them in the chart. For the third time the Ss pay attention to the time that the activities in each conversation are done and write them down in the chart.Ask some Ss to write their answers on the Bb and check them.This task provides guided listening and writing practice using the target language.

  Step 4. summary

  First ask two students to read Grammar focus to the students. One reads the questions, and the other reads the answers. This can check their pronunciation and trains their reading ability.

  By ask and answer some questions ,sum up the grammar point, get the conclusion that the present progressive tense can also be used to talk about the future activities.This task guides the Ss to study English by thinking hard and conclusion. After that they can have a rational knowledge to the target language.

  Task 5: Ask the Ss to work in groups of four. Tell the students that if they don’t have a good rest, they can’t study efficiently and making a good vacation plan can make their trip happy. So they must arrange their vacation carefully. Write down their group mates’ answers in the chart in your book.

  This task provides the Ss a chance to use English freely. They can say the conversation according to their thought using the target language. Of course, at the same time, it trains the Ss’ speaking ability. Also, it guides the Ss to study English by communication. Another, I change the parts’ order of the text book, because this part can be delayed to the end of the class. After class, they can continue to talk about it.

  Step 5. Homework

  write a passage talk about what you and your classmates are doing for your next vacation. The homework can help the students to consolidate the target language and train their writing ability.

  Finally ,I will write the key words and sentence pattern on the blackboard ,students can know what they learnt in this class clearly.




  第二冊第五單元第二節(jié)課, 本單元圍繞做"比較"( Makingcomparison) 這個題材開展多種教學活動,它與上一單元聯(lián)系緊密,是它的延續(xù)。本節(jié)課是本單元的重點,表示數(shù)量的some,few的比較。通過學習的比較等級,進一步加深對比較等級的語法現(xiàn)象的理解和運用。同時通過some,few比較等級在陳述句與疑問句中的操練,進一步提高學生聽、說、讀、寫綜合素質能力。










  重點:學習表示數(shù)量some, a few的比較等級。

  難點:some, a few的比較等級在實際生活中的應用。











  為了激發(fā)學生的學習興趣,引起注意,拉近師生距離,首先告訴學生這節(jié)課我將帶他們去一個有趣的地方,并請他們依據(jù)我的提示猜測要去哪里? 當學生猜出去農(nóng)場時,我們便"上車", 一路歡歌(PickingApples)去農(nóng)場。隨著"嘎"的剎車聲,電腦打出農(nóng)場全景, 給學生一種身臨其境的感覺,導入正課。




  為了調動學生的積極性,利用Work in threes,in pairs,in row,in group,及Boys ask,Girls answer等多種不同方式操練鞏固。使得學生處于積極思維的狀態(tài)之中,全方位、多角度培養(yǎng)學生運用英語的能力。


  本課的又一次高潮是將游戲與練習有機結合,融為一體。設計下棋游戲,棋盤為20個格,每格均為在蘋果園里勞動的`情景,并配有本課的重點--比較等級的練習題。棋盤的上一男一女分別代表男生和女生兩大組,值得一提的是決定男女生在棋盤上走幾步的轉盤,是用本課重點詞匯fewest,fewer,a few,some,more和most組成,使得學生在玩中進一步體會數(shù)量some,a few的比較等級的運用。讓學生通過轉輪,邊做游戲邊做練習,寓教于樂,極大地激發(fā)學生學習興趣,同時鞏固了學生所學的知識。




  Unit 5 Lesson 18

  Kate some apples.

  Jim has more apples than Kate.

  Meimei the most of all.

  The first truck a few baskets.

  The second one is carrying fewer tham the first.

  The third one the fewest of all.





  今天我說課的題目是初中英語《Seeing the doctor》,下面我就按說教材、說教法、說學法、說教學程序四個部分向各位評委說課。



  本單元的核心教學項目是“看病就醫(yī)”(Seeing the doctor ),各課圍繞這核心項目設計安排了聽、說、讀、寫活動。對話,課文及練習內容均取自于學生的日常生活,實用性強。學生們會因為此話題的趣味性及實用性而感興趣, 故能在學中用,用中學,印象深刻。

  Lesson 71 課是語言訓練課。第一部分是一段有關飲食與健康關系的短對話,同時也為學生提供了語言訓練的樣板。第二部分是以操練Link verb為宗旨的句型范例。第三部分是所學語言知識的自然延伸,向學生介紹二位世界著名醫(yī)學界人士Nightingale和Bethune。




  B、掌握情態(tài)動詞have to與must的用法。























  任務5:Play a game。





  Talk about the famous people→Make a survey→Make a menu→Listen and answer→Practice and act out→Listen and learn→Find out the Link. Verb→Act out→Explanation→Play a game





  本單元以“A picnic”為話題,共設計四大部分的內容。以 It must belong to carla為主線,圍繞談論某東西屬于某人等語言功能展開一系列任務活動。通過第一部分的學習要求學會如何進行推測,并了解學會基本句型的應用。教材內容從基本語言知識到語言綜合知識的運用, 層層遞進,以一種循序漸進的生活化的語言程序 ,引導學生在做事中有目的的學習語言。










  1、課前任務設置。在每一節(jié)課,我讓學生提前預習,課前三分鐘,我讓學生學唱“Are you sleeping ”的歌曲。目的是激發(fā)他們的學習熱情。另一方面,鈴聲響的時候,首先檢查學生對第四單元的識記情況。然后讓學生看屏幕,用“Who is he ?” 句子問,用

  “It can?t、may 、must be ”等回答,之后通過“Look and learn”推出新單詞“belong、belong to” 和教授的單元。在此期間,讓學生感知的重點句型結構。把單詞的教學融入句型,培養(yǎng)學生情景中理解單詞的能力。

  1、為了更好的提高學生的觀察能力,以任務型教學為理念,讓學生有目的`的完成Activity 1a的部分。


  3、為了更好的運用重點句型結構,我讓學生在1c部分讀完后,用1b里 的句子進行組對子活動,進而提高學生的口語表達能力。之后通過單選題來檢測他們對本節(jié)課重點知識的掌握。




  Introduce myself:

  My name is #. I have worked in # Middle School for 5

  years. Today I want to talk about Unit 2, School Life Reading, 8A, Oxford


  First, the analysis of the textbook:

  1. The contents:

  The part of the reading in the second unit aims to introduce school

  life in British and American schools and it aims to get the students to

  learn the differences between foreign culture and native culture.

  2. The teaching aims:

  (1)The aims of the knowledge: To learn life in a British school or an

  American school and to master important language points.

  (2)The aims of the abilities: To improve the abilities of getting

  information by scanning and the abilities of listening, speaking, reading

  and writing.

  (3)The aims of the emotion: To promote their love for their school and

  school lives.

  3. The teaching emphasis:

  (1) To get the ability of general reading and acquiring information.

  (2) To master vital phrases and sentence structures.

  4. The teaching difficulties:

  (1)We have to tell our English teacher what we are reading.

  (2)This is great because it takes less time than taking the bus.

  Next, the teaching methods:

  Teach the students by the five teaching steps gradually to emphasize

  the contents. The teacher is to act as a guide and the students as an

  actor to do the activities.

  Then, the teaching aids:

  Projector, Slide show, Tape recorder and Pictures

  Afterwards, the design of the teaching procedure and the class activities.

  Step I Lead-in (within 5 minutes)

  1. Ask and answer about school life.

  1 )What subjects do you learn at school?

  2 )What after-school activities do you have?

  3 ) Have you joined a club?

  2. Ask two students to talk about his/her school life.

  Step II Presentation (within 30 minutes)

  Part A Show two flags with the words ‘Life in a British school’ and ‘life

  in an American school’ and discuss the question: What do you think British

  or American school would be like?

  Part B 1. Listen to the tape about Passage One to get general ideas and

  think about two easy questions:

  (1) Who wrote the first passage?

  (2 )What activities does the school have every year?

  2. Read and complete the first five T or F exercises in Part C1 and

  correct them.

  Part C 1. Listen to the tape about Passage Two to get rough ideas and

  think about two easy questions:

  (1) Who wrote the second passage?

  (2) Who else are mentioned in the passage?

  2. Read then ask and answer:

  (1) What did Jim do in school last year?

  (2) How does Nancy go to school every day?

  (3) What do the students do in the Buddy Club?

  (4) What do American students do during lunchtime?

  (5) What do the students sometimes do after school?

  3. Complete the left T or F exercises in Part C1 and correct them.

  4. Read together with the tape .

  Part D Language points:

 。↖t aims to introduce their usage by some examples.)

  1. how to do something

  2. taste-tasty

  3. tell our English teacher what we are reading.

  4. as well & either

  5. It takes less time than taking the bus.

  6. drive me to school

  7. have a great time doing sth

  There are some other useful phrases:

  1. near the end of each class

  2. have a driving lesson

  3. spend a lot of time doing

  4. Buddy Club

  5. talk to sb about sth

  6. enjoy this a lot

  7. help me learn about sth

  Part E Retell John’s or Nancy’s school life. (Volunteers)

  Step III Consolidation (within 5 minutes)

  Do exercises in workbook on Page 44 No. 6 and then check out the answers.

  Step IV Oral practice (within 5 minutes)

  1. Make up a dialogue with partner to talk about Nancy’s school life. (one


  2. Say something about our own school life. (one or two students)

  If I have some more time, I will ask the students to write down their

  school lives and read them out.

  Step V Assignment

  1. Retell John’s or Nancy’s school life.

  2. Write a composition about our own school life.

  Finally, evaluation and reflection:

  Evaluate the effect of this class and improve it afterwards.

  In addition, I will attach my design of the blackboard.

  Design of blackboard:

  Unit 2 School Life

  What do you think British or American school would be like?

  Life in a British school Life in an American school

  Language points:

  1. tell our English teacher what we are reading

  2. as well & either

  3. It takes less time than taking the bus.

  4. have a great time doing sth

  That’s all. Thank you.


  Well, good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, I am very happy to meet you all here. Today,I am going to present Unit 12 Writing. Well, please look at the teaching material together. Well, this is a letter in the book. Students are required to read it through, have a look at it, try to write a letter to Zhao Jie, a boy who doesn’t like any subjects at all. [Presenting the 2nd PPT about the given letter.]

  Well, I think my teaching aims should include the proper form of English letter, and second, how to write a letter in an idiomatic way. [Presenting the 3rd PPT about the teaching aims.]Well, to achieve these goals, I am going to arrange my teaching step by step [Presenting the 4th PPT about the teaching procedures]. Well, these are the steps, since so many, let me make it simple, actually, they are words, sentences and paragraphs. As we know that articles consist of words and sentences. So first, I would like to talk about the words. That is also the first step---revision. Well, you know, students have learned the names of the subjects in the former lessons. So, I am going to review the words by playing games with them. Here comes the first game: who can write more? [Presenting the 5th PPT about the 1st game]I am going to divide the students into two groups, for example boys and girls. They are given two minutes to rush to the blackboard and write down the subjects they know. The group which can write more will be the winner. Imagine how excited the students are, and at the same time, they are also reviewing the words. Well, what’s more, you may have noticed these two subjects, Physics and Chemistry. [Presenting the 6th PPT about the result of the game] Actually, these two subjects are not in this book. So, in this way, we can know that some students are showing us how much they know and all the students can also enlarge their vocabulary at the same time. Well, after words, I would like to turn to sentences. Here comes the second game, who can make it longer? [Presenting the 7th PPT about the 2nd game] I am going to give students a word, for example subject. Which students can make it longer? Well, you please. Favorite subject. Good. A phrase appears. Longer? You please. My favorite subject is English. Well, a sentence appears. Even longer? My favorite subject is English, I like it very much, it is so interesting. [Presenting the 8th PPT about the answers of the game]Well, you can see students are constructing words into sentences step by step. Well, this is the revision part. After that, it is time to read. From now, I am going to show students the given material so soon. Actually, instead, I am going to show them those separated pieces. They should put them into the correct order[Presenting the 9th PPT about the reordering task]. You know before the lesson, I divided the whole letter into these four parts, why do I bother to do this? Well, you can see, in this way, students can put more attention to how to begin and how to end a letter. Then, they have a time, can have a chance to read through the whole article[Presenting the 10 th PPT about the reading material]. Well, at the same time, they should also pick out those well used words and sentences, and share them with the whole class. Then, they have a discussion “what information can we use? [Presenting the 11th PPT about the discussion task]Why talking about subjects? Of course, it is easy for them to find these information like these three ones ( time & day, teacher, reason ), because they are in the letter. But what else? Students need to think about that. Well, why? As we know it is easy to copy, but difficult to create. Sometimes, the given material gives us a good example, but sometimes, they may also limit students’ ideas. So they need to go further. As some teachers may prefer to offer the answers directly to the students. But I am not. I think teaching students how to learn is much more important than just teaching knowledge. So students should think about that by themselves. Well, this part is also a brainstorm to them. Till now, they have known so much. Since that, they should be given a chance to put what they’ve known into practice. So I prepare two practices[Presenting the 12th PPT about the 2 practices]. Practice number one, students have a Free Talk about their favorite subjects, if they can express themselves fluently and naturally, they won’t have much difficulty in writing them down. Well, second practice will be the real writing. They are given eight minutes to write a letter to Zhao Jie[Presenting the 13th PPT about the beginning of the letter]. Well, when they finish writing, six students get into a group, they exchange their letters and try to correct mistakes. Why they should do that? Well, teachers may have noticed that not many students have the habit of rewriting and correcting mistakes when they finish writing, and I want them to realize this is also very important.

  Ok, after that, each group chooses two representatives, the best one and the one who has made great progress. Which two? I think not only those advanced students but also the less advanced students should be given a chance to show how good they are. Well, for example, yes, after that, some representative come to the front and show their letters to the whole class, but you can think it is a projector like this. This is a student’s letter and when all students finish writing it, they are welcomed to give comments. It is so-so, good or great. So which one? Can you find any beautifull sentences here? They are welcomed to give their ideas. Well, here comes the last part[Presenting the 14th PPT about the homework]. Last part will be the homework. They can either write me an email or have a talk with some one or write an article about his or her favorite . I think both of these are highly connected with our daily life. So, students must be very interested. Ok, so that is all. Thank you very much!

  Questions:Anyhow, I appreciate your teaching, and allow me to say so. My question is “ how do you check the achievements of the homework you send to your pupils?

  Answer:Well, about this question, I think, first, still the group work. They should exchange their letters and each group should also choose two representatives and hand in the letters or the articles they have written to me, and I correct them by myself. And then, put all these representatives’ works on the wall and show them to the whole class. By this way. Thank you!


  各位老師早上好。我今天說的課題是《Danny’s Plant》下面我將從教材、學生、教法和學法、教學過程四個方面來對本課進行說明。









  Teacher ask something about last lesson the new words and ,seed , pot , sprout , stem , bud , carefully , the top of , a flower bud , look About the lesson and answer the did Danny and his classmates do to learn more about plants? happened after Danny watered the seed of his plant? will Danny put the pot in the yard? does Danny want to send to Li Ming? the text part 2 in “Let’s Do It.” the new words and main off activity lesson 13.
















 、.Warming- up and revision

  1. Have a dictation of the new words and expression learned in Section B.

  2. Let some Ss read the postcards in 2b.

  3. Watch a video program about the weather forecast.


  1.Show some pictures on the big screen and present some new words and expressions in this period.

 。╯kate, snowy, winter, Russian, snowman)

  2. Ss read the new words and try to remember them.

  Ⅲ.Free talk

  Finish some exercises.

 、。 Writing

  1. T: Here's another postcard from Kate to Xiao Lu. Look at the pictures on the postcard. How's the weather there? And what is the girl doing?

  Let some Ss answer the two questions.

  2. Let some Ss read the words in the box. Explain the meaning of the words that they don't know.




  然后,認真讀每個句子,分析每個空格處前后上下文的意思,確定空格處所缺單詞的意思。如:第一、二兩空格前有weather一詞,可知空格處只應填snowy和windy一詞。第三空格后面有“俄羅斯面包”一詞可推知,空格處應為buying一詞。第四空格由空格后面的on a river可知應是“skate”一詞。最后一空格是take a photo of …,應用現(xiàn)在進行時態(tài),故填taking.


  5. Check the answers.

  V. Writing

  1. Imagine you are on vacation. Write notes about your vacation.

  2. Let some Ss read the questions aloud.

  3. Make sure Ss know the meaning of the questions.

  4. Ss think and write down some notes about their vacations.

  5. Let Ss read out their own vacation notes.

  VI. Writing

  1. Write a postcard to a friend. Tell your friend about your vacation and what you are doing.

  2. 寫作指導:






  4. Let Ss read their postcard to the class.

  VII. Self Check 1

  1. Tell Ss we've learned some words about feelings, weather and activities. Now discuss with your partners. Add more words in the box.

  2. Ss work in pairs and add more words in the box.

  3. Let some Ss read their words. Let other Ss add more words.

  VIII. Self Check 2

  1.Read the sentences below on the left and find the responses on the right.





  3. Ss read the sentences below and find the responses.

  4. Check the answers with the class. Then let the Ss practice the conversation with a partner.

  IX. Self Check 3

  1. Put these sentences in order to make a conversation. Then write your own conversation.




  其次,在通讀對話的基礎上確定對話的首句應是打招呼的“Hi, Jill”一句。

  接下來,就可以確定“Not too bad.”是第二句。













  Unit13 Rainy days make sad. SectionA (1a-1c)

  Hello, everyone,

  Today I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to talk about some of my teaching ideas. My topic is Section A (1a-1c , Grammar Focus) in Unit13 . It is made up of seven parts.

  1. Analysis textbook(教材分析)

  2. The teaching methods(教學方法)

  3. The learning methods(說學法)

  4. Analysis the students(說學情)

  5. The procedures of the teaching(教學步驟)

  6. Blackboard design(板書設計)

  7. Self evaluation.(自評)

  Part 1 The analysis of the teaching material:

  This lesson is about listening and speaking. It plays a very important part in the English teaching of this unit. By studying Section A , The students can improve their speaking ability, learn more about things that affect people. At the same time, we should get the students to understand better. The students should do some listening, speaking and writing, too. Of course, the students should receive some moral education. Let the students have positive attitude to dealing with things around them.

  1. Teaching objects

  The teaching aims are established according to Junior School English curriculum standard provision.

  A.Language goals

  1). Words & expressions :tense, some adjectives of feeling

  2). Key sentences Loud music makes me tense. (P103)

  Loud music makes me want to dance.

  That movie made me sad.

  B.Ability goals

  Enable the students to talk about how things affect them.

  Emotion & attitude goals

  Enable the students to understand the effect of things upon them.

  The teaching key and difficult points are established according to Section A ,Unit13 in the teaching material’s position and function.

  2. Teaching Key Points

  the usage of make.

  3.Teaching Difficulties

  Train the Ss to use make correctly.

  To improve students’ listening ability.

  To train students' communicative competence.

  Part 2. The teaching methods

  Task-based teaching; Cooperative learning;

  Part 3. The learning methods

  1). Set up six steps. It is presentation– words – pairwork – listening practice–Grammar - practice

  2). Ask the students to take part in class actively and develop their cooperation in the activities .

  Part 4. Analysis the students

  The students have learned some words about feeling and they have know the word make. But they don’t often use English to express themselves and communicate with others. Some Ss are not active in the class because they are afraid of making mistakes.

  Part 5. The procedures of the teaching

  I have designed the following steps to train their ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, writing , especially listening and speaking. Set up six steps. It is greeting –lead-in -presentation– words – pairwork – listening practice–Grammar – practice – homework.

  Step Ⅰ Lead- in.

  Show the Ss a picture and then show the teaching material.

  Purpose: Arouse the students’ interest of study. Bring in new subject: Rainy days make me sad.

  Step II Presentation.

  Review some words about feeling , then present the sentence structure.

  A: What makes him/her sad?

  B: Rainy days makes him sad.

  Purpose :Through this part we can consolidate what they studied yesterday, communicate with others about their feelings and prepare for the new lesson.

  Step III Listening (1a, 1b: P102)

  Ask the students to listen to Amy and Tina talking about the two restaurants and do the exercises.

  Purpose :Train the Ss’ listening ability and prepare for later exercises.

  Step IV Speaking (1c: P102)

  Ask the students to talk about how music affects them. Let the Ss work in pairs and talk about how the two restaurants would affect them.

  Purpose :Train the Ss’ speaking ability and prepare for later exercises.

  Step V Do a survey.

  After learning 1b , 1c , let the Ss do a survey about other things that affect them.

  Purpose : This step can open the Ss eyesight and thought . It’s a step from textbook to real life .

  Step VI Grammar

  1). Sum the usage of make then help them to say out the sentence structure.

  2). Do some exercises to consolidate the grammar.

  Purpose: Train the Ss’ ability of understanding and using language.

  Step VII Writing practice

  1.List 4-5 things around you and then describe how the things affect you.

  2.Composition Exams make me _______。

  Purpose :I want to improve the ability of their writing. At the same time, train the ability of do-it-yourself and looking up the information by themseleves.

  Part 6. Blackboard design

  1. make +sb/sth+adj

  eg: The news made him sad.

  He tries his best to make his lessons interesting.

  make +sb/sth+ do

  eg: He made me wait for a long hours.

  He made me do this exercise again.

  Purpose:In my opinion, the blackboard design can reflect the teacher’s ability of mastering the text and leading the students to master the text easily. In this text, I write the usage of make and rather on the blackboard in order to tell the students that this is of the importance in this class. I want to use them correctly and flexibly.

  Part 7. Self evaluation.

  In order to make the students the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as director. I designed some activities to arouse the students’ interest of studying .The students can learn the target language easily .Also ,by these activities , I’ve cultivated the students’ spirit of cooperating , trained the students’ skills of listening ,speaking , reading , writing , improved the students’ ability of collecting information and dealing with the information . Help the students to form a positive attitude towards life .Thanks for listening .


  一 、教材分析


  本課選自人教版新目標英語八年級上冊第四單元的第一課時。本單元圍繞著Transportation這個主題,通過對話和情景,使學生掌握有關交通工具和和描述距離的日常用語,幫助學生積極地使用英語策劃旅游活動。本課是該單元的第一課時,也是該單元的突破點,它以討論如何上學為話題,密切聯(lián)系學生的實際生活,突出語言的實踐性。學生急于了解該話題,于是師生之間形成了一個Information gap ,便于調動學生學英語的積極性,培養(yǎng)學生綜合運用英語的能力。




  A.學習句型:How do you get to school ?

  ---- I take the bus . / I get to school by bus .


  B.重點詞匯:a.交通工具: bicycle. subway.car. train. boat.plane .ship等。

  b.其它: hey.take .by. get to










  教學難點 :區(qū)別動詞“take”與介詞”by”在交通方面的用法。

  二、 學情分析

















  Part 1 Teaching Material:

  My lesson is from New Senior English for China Book_2 Unit5 Grammar part. The main topic is friends and Friend ship, while the grammar is attributive clause(prep+which/whom).By studying this class, Students will understand the grammar points clearly and use them to in daily life.

  Secondly, I’d like to state the analysis of students.

  Part 2 Students

  Students of this period have learned English for a long time,hence they acquire basic grammar knowledge. However,they think grammar learning is abstract and difficult.then I will take special activities to help them.

  According to the new curriculum standard,I set aims as follows .

  Part 3 Teaching Aim

  1.Knowledge objects (語言目標:語音,詞匯,語法,功能,話題)

  The Ss can master attributive clause(prep+which/whom)in prep which or prep whom form.

  2.Ability objects (技能目標:聽,說,讀,寫)

  SS can apply the grammars into their daily life.

  3.Emotional objects (情感目標:興趣,自信,合作,愛國,國際視野)

  SS will be more interesting in grammar learning

  Part 4 the Key and Difficult Points

  Next,I put forward the key points and difficult points.The key points is to master the usage of attributive clause(prep+which/whom). The difficult points is how to use grammars correctly.

  Part 5 Teaching and Studying methods

  In this class, I will use inductive method and cooperative method.

  Part 7 Teaching Procedure

  Now Let’s come into the most important part -Teaching procedure.it consists of six parts.

  Step 1. Warming up

  The first step is warming up.Boys and girls.In last class,we learned about Monkees band,- Do you know what was their first music? Any volunteers? Tony,please.wonderful. He said They played music,most of which was based on the Beatles.In grammar ,It’s a attributive clause.we have learned it before.Let’s change it:They played music which was based on the Beatles. Is there and differences? Today we will learn about attributive clause in preposition which and preposition whom form.

  Through this free talk,I can attract SS’ attentions and interest in grammar learning .(3)it can lay a foundation for the next step.

  Step 2. Presentation

  After warming up ,SS will find out the different places among these.I will ask a SS to underline the difference.Then I will explain the literal meaning ofattributive clause(prep+which/whom).SS will have a clear understanding of the grammar points.Next,I will give them more examples to deepen their comprehension.For example,

  The singer in whom we have great interest was in America.

  The show by which we were to become famous is in a music museun.

  This step can help SS have a basic understanding of the grammar structure and improve their learning skills.

  Step 3. Practice

  Next, Let’s come to the practice step.I will ask SS to find out all the attributive clause in prep.which or prep. Whom form. as many as possible.After 2 minutes individual work ,they can exchange ideas with partners and analyze the meaning of which or whom in the sentence.1 minute later,I will ask some students to have a presentation .Other ss can evaluate their performance.

  The activity designed here is to consolidate grammar learning .

  Step 4.Production

  Task 1.Introduce friends.

  After this step , I will ask students to introduce their favorite singer.They will finish it in group works.For example: Deng Ziqi has special voice,with which Chinese people are very familiar.She took part in I’m singer competition ,in which she made a miracle. 5 minutes later,some groups will share their ideas.During the that time, other students will be judges to find out some mistakes and give them points.

  My purpose here is to help SS apply the grammar points in daily life .

  Step 5. Summary and Homework

  After the task,I will ask students to conclude what we have learned today.then I will set homework.

  SS will finish the grammar exercises .and write a composition to introduce your favorite singer using attributive clauses. They will share their ideas in the next English class.

  Homework is necessary to consolidate their knowledge and improve their oral speaking.

  At last ,I will talk about blackboard design. Restrictive and non restrictive attibutive clauses.

  They played music ,most of which was based on the Beatles.

  They played music which was based on the Beatles.




  本單元是初中英語新教材第三冊第2單元,本單元的核心話題為“talk about what they used to be like”,圍繞著談論過去自己和他人過去經(jīng)常做的事,談論自己和他人過去的外貌性格愛好,以觀察圖片、聽力理解、閱讀理解等訓練方式和獨立學習、合作交流、完成任務等形式完成目標語言的輸入,學習句型Used to 為主要學習任務,并且設置任務型綜合性語言實踐活動,讓學生在交際活動中,學會如何正確地用英語表達自己的意見和建議,重在培養(yǎng)學生的習得語言運用能力、實踐能力、合作能力及創(chuàng)新意識。




  ●Used to, dark, spider, insect

  ●Used to

  ●Conjunction but


  ●Mario used to be short.

  ●Yes, he did. Now he’s tall.

  ●I used to eat candy all the time.

  ● Did you ?

  ●Yes, I did. And I used to chew gum a lot.


  1)依托本單元的語言素材提高學生聽、說、讀、寫及自學、創(chuàng)新和溝通能力。熟練掌握“used to” 句型,培養(yǎng)學生運用語言的能力。



  4) 在表演中培養(yǎng)學生樂于表達的人際交往能力和知識創(chuàng)新能力。


  重點: used to句型。

  難點:used to句型在日常生活中的運用。
















  課 時內容任 務主要方法Period 1Section A 1a-2c掌握本單元的單詞;初步掌握used to 的用法聽、說Period 2Section A 3a- 4掌握并能運用used to 的用法,學會談論過去;鞏固新知,完成Section A學習任務。聽、說、寫Period 3Section B 1a-2c能夠談論自己或他人過去的外貌、性格、愛好等,提高交際能力聽、寫、說Period 4Section B 3a- 4b閱讀理解,寫出2b的描述。完成Section B,提高寫作能力。聽、讀、寫Period 5Selfcheck1-2查漏補缺,復習鞏固,拓展新知聽、說、寫作











  T: What’s this?

  S: It’s a photo.

  T: Who is it?

  S: It’s…

  T: He used to be short, didn’t he?

  S: Yes.

  She used to be thin ,right?

  She used to have short hair. outgoing ,etc.

  讓學生根據(jù)圖片所提供的信息回答問題,從圖片導入,為本課的學習used to 句型做了鋪墊。當學生一一回答出上述問題后,將表示外貌和性格的形容詞板書出來?梢哉埻瑢W們描述照片中人物的過去的相貌和性格,并說出更多的這樣的句子,引導學生該如何描述過去常常的事等,讓他們慢慢領悟到:在對比情況下,怎樣描述過去,讓他們以愉悅的心情接受新知識。





  Mario used t be__short______. He used to wear_________________.Amy used to be ______________. She used to have ________________.Tina used to have _____________ and ________________ hair.

  第二遍,采用漏詞填空形式,將聽力材料打印出來,漏掉關鍵詞語,讓學生邊聽邊填。最后,將含有答案的聽力材料展示在大屏幕上。設置的填空既要考慮難易適中,又要照顧本課重點。不能讓學生聽不懂,失去信心。我們應該讓學生覺得“我行”,而不是“我不行”。本課聽力主要在于考察學生對形容詞的掌握,所以在設置填空時,將其作為重點。讓學生通過填空去體會,給學生留下深刻的記憶。然后讓學生根據(jù)手中的聽力原文,跟讀錄音,進行朗讀訓練,這樣不僅練習了1c 的pair work,更重要的是讓學生學習到了純正的語音、語調,彌補了教材朗讀材料的不足。




  讓學生根據(jù)自己的喜好,表達自己的猜測。練習之后再聽,學生聽起來有的放矢,避免了聽不懂聽力內容的尷尬。聽兩遍學生就能順利地完成2a和2b,也為2c 的pair work打下基礎。











  通過讀寫訓練,進一步學會用 used to 結構來表達自己和同伴過去害怕,或現(xiàn)在仍舊害怕的事情,并且要把最后的結果書寫下來,然后讓他們將結果用英語告之其他同學,為學生創(chuàng)造展示才能的機會。這樣能使全體同學都積極參與,集中精力認真聽。既鞏固了本節(jié)課的目標語言,又為下一個環(huán)節(jié)3b的對話打下基礎;顒咏Y問題比較容易,英語基礎較差的學生也能夠獨立完成,因此,在檢查答案是盡量讓這部分學生回答,使他們體驗到成功后的喜悅,提高他們學習英語的興趣。




  ActivityPastNowEat…Read…Watch…on TVDo …at school










  What other things did you use to do when you were a child?


















  1.What is Rose Tang’s biggest problem?

  2. What do Rose Tang think of her life?

  3.Did she miss the old days?




  Rose Tang’ thenRose Tang’s now






  I…My parents used to…booksI like reading comicsmusicsportsfoodFavorite subject at schoolFavorite things




  I. 詞匯檢測

  Self check 中所列詞匯皆為本單元重點,重在考察學生的基礎知識。為了檢測學生對詞匯掌握的程度和運用情況,這一環(huán)節(jié)設計兩個練習。


  1)I _________the sea. I don’t know how to swim.

  2)Don’t __________things so much. It will make you stressed out.

  3)Sorry, I can’t join you. I __________study for a test.

  4)I really ________my friend Tina. She moved to another town.

  5)I _________have short hair but now I grow it long.

  Check the answers.



  1) be afraid of


  2)worry about


  3)have to


  4) miss


  5) used to













  今天我說課的內容是《牛津初中英語》8A Unit 2 School Life的Reading第一課時。對于這節(jié)課我將以教什么、怎么教、為什么這么教為思路,從教材分析、教法分析、學法分析和教學過程四個方面加以說明。

  一 說教材

  本課以school lives為話題,以學習life in a British school and in an American school為載體,以find out the differences between a British school and an American school為任務。為了使學生們對這一話題更感興趣,在教學過程中,我準備采用多媒體輔助教學這一教學模式設置情境,有效地將單詞、句子和情景相結合,達到語言點的靈活運用和學生們學以致用的目的。

  教學目標:能聽懂,會說,會讀,會拼寫單詞mixed,subject,sew,tasty,hero,close,taste and article.能根據(jù)關鍵詞和上下語境猜測課文大意。

  重難點:本課是Reading的第一課時,主要為了完成這樣一個任務,即通過閱讀理解文章主題,通過設計一些如true or false questions, answer questions, fill in the blanks, line the words等練習題檢查學生們對課文的理解程度。由于新課程標準要求大力培養(yǎng)學生們的閱讀能力,所以通過閱讀理解文章大意就成了本課的重點。通過對文章的理解要求學生們能用自己的語言描述出相關內容,這就是本課的難點。

  二 說教法

  1. 直觀情境教學法:本課將利用多媒體創(chuàng)設情境,激發(fā)學生們的好奇心和求知欲;設置語境,使學生們體驗語言的真實、自然,從而培養(yǎng)學生們組織和表達語言的能力。

  2. 任務型教學法:根據(jù)任務型教學的原則設計語言實踐活動,通過學生們體驗、參與、合作、交流、探究等方式學習和使用英語,從而完成教學任務。

  3. 活動式教學法:在本課的教學中,主要采用跟讀、分組朗讀、分角色朗讀等多種閱讀方式,將書本知識融入活動中,讓學生們在活動中不斷的吸收、內化所學知識。

  4. 循序漸進,達到目標教學法:英語畢竟是一門外語,學生們缺乏語言環(huán)境。要掌握本課內容不能一蹴而就,可以將重點難點分解到各個教學環(huán)節(jié)中去,為學生們搭建一個坡度合適的臺階,幫助他們一步步實現(xiàn)目標。

  5. 注重過程評價,促進學生們發(fā)展教學法:為了實現(xiàn)新課程改革的發(fā)展目標,必須建立體現(xiàn)新課程教育理念的評價理念和評價體系。因此,教師應引進一些能激發(fā)學生們學習興趣并使其形成自主學習的評價體系,多角度及時準確地評價學生們,使他們感受成功,從而激發(fā)和培養(yǎng)學生們學習的積極性和自信心。

  三 說學法

  "發(fā)現(xiàn)---探究---創(chuàng)新"學習法:為了充分發(fā)揮學生們的主體性,我引導學生們自己去設計活動,得出結論。在探究中培養(yǎng)學生們的觀察能力和語言組織表達能力。 2.合作學習法:將學生們分成若干小組,給學生們以足夠的空間,參與的機會,充分展現(xiàn)個性和創(chuàng)造性。



  四 說教學過程

  Step 1 Warming-up

  First let’s enjoy an English song! 同時屏幕上出現(xiàn)我們平時上課、課間活動及用餐時的照片,這些照片都與同學們平時的生活息息相關,很能吸引他們的注意力,同時也使學生們對本課的內容產(chǎn)生了隨意注意。

  Step 2 Lead in

  利用多媒體呈現(xiàn)本課涉及的一些學校生活:Reading Week,driving lesson,Home Economics class,lunchtime,Buddy Club and softball game,要求學生們6人一組,互相討論合作描述圖片內容。


  Step 3 Presentation and Practice

 。1) 將課文中出現(xiàn)的第一幅圖片投影在屏幕上,同時提出兩個問題:Who wrote the first passage? What activity does the school have every year? 讓學生們帶著問題聽課文第一段錄音。

 。2) 布置學生們自己朗讀課文,根據(jù)上下語境理解文章主題,完成教師設置在屏幕上的"true or false" questions.學生們回答問題時可以采取搶答式,小組間進行競爭。




 。5)把學生們分成4人小組,要求學生們分段細讀課文,互相合作探討找出課文中出現(xiàn)的新單詞和一些比較難理解的句子,并嘗試根據(jù)上下語境理解其意思,完成教師設置在屏幕上的fill in the blanks and line the words練習題。



  Q1 Which subject is John’s favourite?

  Q2 What can John cook now?

  Q3 What can John do during the Reading Week?

  Q4 What did Jim do in school last year?

  Q5 How does Nancy go to school every day? What does she think of it?

  Q6 What do the students do in the Buddy Club?

  Q7 Why does Nancy say Julie is her hero?


  Step 4 Activity

  將學生們分成6人小組,以小組為單位,要求他們充分發(fā)揮個性和創(chuàng)造性,在life in a British school和life in an American school兩個主題中任選一個,()用自己的語言去改編課文,然后每組推選一位同學上臺展現(xiàn)成果。


  Step 5 Homework

  (1) 要求學生們用第三人稱改寫課文內容,向好朋友介紹一下美國和英國的學校生活。

 。2) 要求學生們多渠道地調查一下世界各地的學校生活,可以上網(wǎng)查詢,可以向親朋好友打聽,也可以翻看報紙雜志等。

















































  Part One: Analysis of the Teaching Material


  1. This is an important lesson. To attain “four skills” request of listening , speaking, reading and writing. Start with listing part and tell the Ss to remember the new words. Ask the Ss to write the English sentences well. Therefore this lesson is in the important position of the teaching material.

  2. This is the first period of Unit7.It’s the part of the Lead-in.So if the Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit.

  3. Such a topic is helpful to raise learning interests of students and it will be also helpful to improve their spoken English.


  The Ss have learned English for more than one year and a half so far. They can speak simple English very well. The Ss have taken a great interest in English now.


  1.Knowledge objects

  (1) To make the Ss know how to use Object Clauses.

  (2) To study the new words and phrases: try one’s best, successful, imagine, soup, biscuit, pancake, cheese, pie.

  (3) To learn some phrases to about preparing for the food festival.

  make biscuits, learn to cook food, cook soup, set a table, write a song

  2. Ability objects

  (1) To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

  (2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs and groups.

  (3) To develop the Ss’ abilities of communication by learning the useful structures.

  3. Moral objects

  (1)To make Ss know something about the western food culture and the traditional food of western countries.

  (2)Let Ss know they should help people in need.


  1.Key points:

  (1).To help Ss grasp the new words and phrases.

  (2).To help Ss master the Objective Clauses.

  (3) To enable Ss to study in groups and co-operate skillfully.

  2. Difficult points: How to use the Objective Clauses to express thoughts.


  Tape recorder, Pictures, Software: Power point

  Part Two: The Teaching Methods

  1. Communicative teaching method

  2. Audio-visual teaching method

  3. Task-based” teaching method

  4. Explorable teaching method

  As we all know: the main instructional aims of learning English in the Middle School is to cultivate students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading, writing and their good sense of the English language. So in this lesson I’ll mainly use “Communicative” teaching method, “Audio-visual” teaching method and “Task-based” teaching method. That is to say, I’ll let the Ss to get a better understanding of the key structure of Section A. I’ll give the Ss some tasks and arrange four kinds of activities: talking, watching CAI, listening to the tape, reading.

  Teaching special features:

  I’ll use the Explorable teaching method to let Ss grasp the rules of the Object Clauses. It’s helpful to develop Ss’ thought and learning ability.

  Part Three: Studying Ways

  1.Let the Ss pass “Observation---Imitation---Practice” to study language.

  2.Teach Ss how to master the key structures and how to communicate with others.

  Teaching special features:

  Develop Ss’ abilities of Independent learning and cooperative learning.

  Part Four:Teaching Procedure

  Step 1: Lead-in

  1. Show a picture of food festival, tell Ss in the picture are having a food festival now. And in this unit we are going to learn something about food festival, different kinds of delicious food and its culture.

  2.let Ss look at the different kinds of food in it. Then learn the new words: soup, biscuit, pancake, cheese, pie.

  Purpose of my designing: I think it is easy for Ss to remember words with pictures. It’s a kind of Intuitive learning.

  According to knowledge of psychology, this method is useful to Ss’memory.

  Step2. Presentation

  1.Make Ss thing about what the food festival will be like. Learn the new word: imagine. Let Ss discuss it after the example in groups.Write these examples on the blackboard:I imagine (that) a lot of people will come to the food festival. I think/guess/suppose (that)…

  Purpose of my designing: Let Ss know how to use Object Clauses to express their own ideas.In this period, Explorable teaching method is used to train Ss’discovering learning abilities.And they talk in groups so it can develop their cooperative learning abilities.

  2. Show another picture to tell Ss Kang Kang and his friends are going to have a food festival. Let Ss listen to the tape of 1a and answer the question : why are they going to have a food festival?

  3.Use CAI to introduce Daniel Igali to Ss. Learn the new words :Nigeria, wrestling, successful.Then listen again and answer these questions: what does Jane/Maria say? What does Kangkang know? What does Michael think?

  Purpose of my designing: Task-based teaching method is used here to train Ss’listening abilities. And it can make Ss go on to practice using Objective Clauses.


  1.First play the tape recorder. Let Ss listen and imitate the dialogue. Pay attention to their pronunciation and intonation. In this step Ss are required to practice the Sample in pairs by reading the dialogue aloud. This step is employed to make the Ss grasp the Sample.

  Purpose: This step is employed to make Ss get the general idea of the dialogue as a whole one. At the same time let Ss have a chance to practice their listening and spoken ability.

  2.Do Part 2 pair work

  Purpose: Consolidate the new words and structures learnt. Also it practices their listening and spoken abilities.


  Review new words and structures Ss learnt .


  (1) Recite the words.

  (2) Write a short passage of a helpful person you know and his/her good deeds.

  Purpose of my designing: I think homework is so important that the Ss should speak English as much as they can in class or after class. It is necessary for the Ss to do some extensive exercises after class to consolidate the knowledge they learned.

  Blackboard Design

  Unit 7 Food Festival

  Topic 1 SectionA

  Food: soup, biscuit, pancake, cheese, pie

  I imagine (that)…

  I guess/think/suppose(that)…

  Jane says(that)…

  for raising money---help---Daniel Igail---help---the poor village

  Nigeria wrestling

  Being a helpful person









