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時間:2022-05-10 05:54:18 考試 我要投稿
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  In recent years, I've had a strange problem, which I'm confused about. Yes, I have a very rare disease, which is not physical, but psychological. When it comes to mental problems, the first thing you think of is surely neuropathy, emotional illness, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and so on. But in fact, there are various divisions in the mind.

  而我得的一種毛病,是不被醫(yī)學界公認的,可是這個世界上面也的的確確存在這這樣的毛病,讓人百思不得其解,是的,這種毛病就是考試恐懼癥。這還是一個奇奇怪怪的名字,讓人有些哭笑不得的感覺。畢竟啊,在很多正常的人的眼底,考試都是十分正常的事情吧,有什么好害怕的呢?在學霸眼里,考試更是一件十分輕松容易的事情了,不過啊,這個世界上呢,總會有一些奇奇怪怪的人, 得了一些奇奇怪怪的毛病。我就是這樣其中一個人吧,不知道什么時候就得了考試恐懼癥這個十分奇怪的毛病。那么具體的癥狀是什么呢?也就是會特別的焦慮和緊張吧,無論你不是復習的足夠充分, 無論你是不是學霸,只要得了這種病就會莫名其妙地焦慮,焦慮自己如果一不小心粗心了筆誤了之類的,擔心自己如果考不好了那么該怎么辦。可是呢,原本你應該考的還不錯的,就是因為這樣子去想了,是在太過焦慮了,而心里焦慮又一定會影響到自己的水平發(fā)揮,就這樣惡性循環(huán),那么怎么可能考得好呢?于是患上考試焦慮癥的人,明明平時學習都還不錯的,基礎也很牢靠,可唯獨就是因為這個心里問題,再好的基礎都沒有用了。原本我也是一個這樣的人,可是最近的我找到了如何去抑制這個毛病的方法,這的挺慶幸的,竟然讓我尋尋覓覓之中找到了這個方法。

  And one of my problems is not recognized by the medical community, but there is such a problem in the world. It's hard to understand. Yes, it's exam phobia. It's still a strange name, which makes people feel a little sad. After all, in the eyes of many normal people, examinations are very normal things, right? What is there to be afraid of? In the eyes of Xueba, examination is a very easy thing. However, in this world, there are always some strange people who have some strange problems. I'm one of them. I don't know when I got the very strange problem of exam phobia. So what are the specific symptoms? That is to say, you will be particularly anxious and nervous. No matter you are not reviewing enough, no matter you are learning bully or not, you will be inexplicably anxious as long as you get this kind of disease. If you carelessly make a mistake in writing, you will worry about what to do if you fail in the exam. However, what you should have done well in the exam is that you are too anxious to think about it like this, and the anxiety in your heart will certainly affect your own level, which is a vicious circle. How can you do well in the exam? Therefore, those who suffer from exam anxiety are obviously good at their study and have a solid foundation. But only because of this psychological problem, no good foundation can be used. I used to be such a person, but recently I found a way to control this problem. Fortunately, I found this way in my search.


  I found that as long as I review crazily before the exam for about an hour or two, there will be no problem. I feel that the burden in my heart is very heavy, but I don't know when I will put it down gently. Instead, I feel that my heart is very relaxed, because all the things I am going to do have been finished. My heart is always much more comfortable, and the feeling of anxiety and tension has been relieved.


  Finally, test anxiety in my self-treatment again and again, slowly better. After that, I think, what can I worry about in the exam? At ordinary times, I study hard and review carefully before the exam. Naturally, the burden in my heart will be lighter and lighter.










