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《It’s a nice day, isn’t it?》教案

時間:2024-03-07 11:44:34 教案 我要投稿
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《It’s a nice day, isn’t it?》教案

  作為一名老師,通常需要用到教案來輔助教學(xué),借助教案可以恰當(dāng)?shù)剡x擇和運(yùn)用教學(xué)方法,調(diào)動學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)的積極性。我們該怎么去寫教案呢?以下是小編為大家整理的《It’s a nice day, isn’t it?》教案,僅供參考,歡迎大家閱讀。

《It’s a nice day, isn’t it?》教案

  Teaching Objectives:

  1. Students can master the following words, phrases and the sentence patterns.

  ① Words: rain, umbrella, late, weather, concert, line

 、 Phrases: small talk, move slowly, twice an hour, take the train

 、 Sentence patterns: —He’s really good, isn’t he?

  —He sure is!

  2. Students can know how to make a small talk and in what situation a small talk will happen.

  3. Students can improve their listening and speaking ability and train their skills of communication.

  4. Students will know which kind of small talk is appropriate and which is not.

  Teaching Key Points:

  (1) To understand what the small talk is.

  (2) To make a small talk using the tag questions

  Teaching Procedures:

  Step 1 Warming up & Lead in

  (1) Brainstorming: The teacher uses some toys to describe a situation to the students:

  T: This is a rabbit and this is a dog. They don’t know each other before. They are strangers. Now they are waiting for a bus at the bus station. Do you think they will talk with each other?

  Ss: Yes.

  T: What do you think they will talk? How do they start the talking?

  S1: You look beautiful.

  S2: Why hasn’t the bus come yet?

  S3: Where do you go?


  (2) The teacher explains to the students what the small talk is and asks students to try to go on a small talk.

  (Justification: It will arouse students’ interests to lead in the class using the teaching tools. In the meantime, it’s of great importance for them to understand the meaning of a small talk.)

  Step 2 Pre-listening

  (1) Group work:

  ① Ask students in different groups to say what is happening in each picture and what people will talk in these pictures. Help students understand that the persons in the picture don’t know each other. They are strangers.

 、 Presentation: Explain the differences in starting a small talk between Chinese and foreigners.

  Write the sentence pattern on the blackboard: —He’s really good, isn’t he?

  —He sure is!

  (2) Ask Ss to circle the situations where they would start a small talk and make a list of other places where they would talk to people they don’t know.

  (3) Discussion: Ask some students to write down their answers on the blackboard, and then have a discussion with Ss about the places where a small talk often takes place and where it rarely takes place.

  (Justification: To provide background knowledge to the students, including the culture, situation and the key points they are going to learn in the class.)

  Step 3 While-listening

  (1) Read the listening instruction to the class and explain to them what they are going to do.

  (2) Play the tape for the first time. Ss only listen.

  (3) Play it for the second time and ask Ss to number the pictures in the order.

  (4) Presentation: Check their answers and provide the tape script. Point out the tag questions and ask Ss to pay attention to them.

  (Justification: Students will learn some listening strategies while listening and they will understand the tag questions more deeply.)

  Step 4 Post- listening


  (1) Reading Aloud: Ask students to read the three conversations after the tape. Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.

  (2) Role play: Ask students to practice the dialogues in pairs and then invite some of them to stand up to act out the dialogues.


  (1) Look at the pictures and make other conversations using the expressions in the box in activity 1c. Teacher moves around to give some support if necessary.

  (2) Role play: Invite a few pairs to practice their conversations to the class. The teacher gives some suggestions and encouragement.

  (3) Encourage them to make a small talk according to picture b in activity 1a and share their answers.

  (Justification: Students can master the target language through practice and they can also practice their speaking.)

  Step 5 Summary and homework


  (1) To conclude the meaning of the small talk and the situation where the small talk often takes place.

  (2) To explain to the students it is a good way to make a small talk with tag questions and sum up the tag questions they’ve learned in the class.


  Write down the conversations in activity, and it’s better to recite them.

  (Justification: To consolidate what Ss’ve learned in the lesson.)

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